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  1. Serge_G


    In FMX there are no DBGrid, DBEdit, DBxxxx controls. You have to bind your datas to controls (Grid, Edit ...) using Livebindings
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Does ProgressBar Inside StatusBar Still Working?

    That is because the TProgressBarInStatusBar.CreateIn() code provided earlier is not taking the Left position of the specified TStatusPanel into account, only its Width and Height. So it is positioning the TProgressBar in the wrong place for any TStatusPanel other than the 1st one. Unfortunately, neither TStatusBar nor TStatusPanel provide a property or method to get the Left position of a TStatusPanel, so you will have to retrieve it manually, either by: - looping through the TStatusBar.Panels collection: function GetLeftOfStatusPanel(APanel: TStatusPanel); Integer; var I: Integer; Coll: TStatusPanels; begin Result := 0; Coll := APanel.Collection as TStatusPanels; for I := 0 to APanel.Index-1 do Inc(Result, Coll[I].Width); end; - or by asking the OS directly: uses ..., Winapi.CommCtrl; function GetLeftOfStatusPanel(APanel: TStatusPanel); Integer; var R: TRect; begin SendMessage((APanel.Collection.Owner as TStatusBar).Handle, SB_GETRECT, APanel.Index, LPARAM(@R)); Result := R.Left; end; In which case, since CreateIn() wants the TProgressBar to fill the full rectangle of the TStatusPanel anyway, I would just ask the OS for the rectangle and use it as-is, eg: uses ..., Winapi.CommCtrl; class procedure TProgressBarInStatusBar.CreateIn(const inStatusBarPanel: TStatusPanel; var outProgressBar: TProgressBar; var outLabel: TLabel); var statusbar: TStatusBar; R: TRect; Begin statusbar := inStatusBarPanel.Collection.Owner As TStatusBar; SendMessage(statusbar.Handle, SB_GETRECT, inStatusBarPanel.Index, LPARAM(@R)); outProgressBar := TProgressBar.Create(statusbar); outProgressBar.Parent := statusbar; outProgressBar.Top := R.top; outProgressBar.Left := R.left; outProgressBar.Width := R.Width; outProgressBar.Height := R.Height; outLabel := TLabel.Create(outProgressBar); outLabel.Parent := outProgressBar; outLabel.Align := alClient; outLabel.AutoSize := False; outLabel.Alignment := taCenter; end;
  3. A password field is the only type of <input> element that has masked characters. Unless you are manually masking the characters of a non-password text input field via script? No browser would treat that as a password field. No. Only an <input> field that is explicitly marked as being a password field is treated as a password field. This doesn't just affect Chrome. Per Mozilla's documentation: And, per autocomplete attribute and login fields: Per Preventing autofilling with autocomplete="new-password":