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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/22 in Posts

  1. Hextor is a hexadecimal editor with a set of tools for binary data analysis and reverse engineering. Main features include structure analyzer, disassembler, regex-like search and many more. https://github.com/digitalw0lf/hextor I mostly write it as a tool for my main job tasks, but would be glad if it can be useful for community. Feedback and feature suggestions are welcome.
  2. Anders Melander

    Hextor - Hexadecimal editor and binary data analyzing toolkit

    That's what she said Sorry
  3. Rollo62

    Best way to store data

    My guess from your rough description is that you want to store data locally which might sum up day by day to a huge number. In that case I think a real capable local DB, like Sqlite, should be preferred over an in-memory TFdMemTable.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Creating my own .bpl

    Using a .bpl in an app, you should NOT have to use the .pas/.dcu files directly in the app. If your app is still building/requiring the .pas/.dcu files, then it is not correctly referencing the component unit(s) from the .bpl.
  5. Spook

    SpkToolbar for Delphi

    Hi there, I happen to be the original author of TSpkToolbar (Spk = Spook). The fun fact is that it actually was designed for Delphi in the first place (now-ancient Delphi 2006). It is absolutely amazing, that my control still lives for all those years after I decided to opensource it and donate to the Lazarus community. Also, thanks for contributing 🙂 I'm long past my Delphi days, but I always think about Delphi community warmly and I'm happy it is still thriving 🙂 Best regards -- Wojciech "Spook" Sura.
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Hextor - Hexadecimal editor and binary data analyzing toolkit

    it must be good, it's dark
  7. Anders Melander

    Right Process for Changing an Application's Icon?

    Only because I've just uploaded a new version 🙂. It's been gone for at least 5 years. My ISP keeps flagging it as a virus (probably because it's built with Delphi) and taking it offline.