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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/22 in Posts

  1. Solid answer to those who say Delphi is dying - see how Delphi is killing 😄
  2. haentschman

    SQL problem

    by the way... FDQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE (MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + Edit1.Text + '%'') OR INSTR(''' + Edit1.Text + ''', MainDirectory) > 0' ); you know what SQL Injection is? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection The german site is better... With delphi examples: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL-Injection 🙄 Always use parameters!
  3. gtDelphiZXingQRCode is a fork of the out dated DelphiZXingQRCode https://github.com/War3Evo/gtDelphi/tree/master/gtDelphiZXingQRCode DelphiZXingQRCode has not been updated for 9 years and all the pull requests are being ignored. So, I downloaded the file and started adding new life to the project. I was going to fork it, but I wanted to rename it slightly. I still give credit where it's due. I have mainly been focusing on the FMX side of the source code. What's new? It now has a non-visual FMX component that is threaded for background work. I know if I want to get this library ready for Android usage, it needs to be threaded. It can create both SVG and BMP file data. You can change the pixel colors while it's creating the SVG / BMP file data. I changed the black to blue and the white to violet... My Google pixel was still able to recognize the QR code quickly! There's a option to not use "inner style" in order to be compatible with Skia4Delphi. Road Map: I plan to create another SampleFMX application just for incorporating Skia4Delphi. Skia4Delphi has a SVG viewer that I wish to integrate with the component for those whom also want to use Skia4Delphi. I need to add resizing capabilities. If I can figure out how to resize the SVG version, then I can create the SVG version...resize it to any size then save it as BMP. Resizing BMP makes the QR code unusable. I eventually want to incorporate the QR code reader from Delphi ZXing and also include a better third party camera into gtDelphiZXingQRCode. Any other ideas are welcome.
  4. FabDev

    My app dies in Server 2019

    Do you try to compile it with trace software like the very good MadExcept ?
  5. haentschman

    SQL problem

    SQL: Qry := TFDQuery.Create(Self); Qry.Connection := Self.AC; Qry.SQL.Text := 'select * from Documents where OriginalFileName like :PAR'; Qry.ParamByName('PAR').AsString := '%1001\%'; // with "\" Qry.Open; Qry := TFDQuery.Create(Self); Qry.Connection := Self.AC; Qry.SQL.Text := 'select * from Documents where OriginalFileName like :PAR'; Qry.ParamByName('PAR').AsString := '%1001%'; // without "\" Qry.Open; ...it works...i not like guessing.
  6. haentschman

    SQL problem

    ...no. FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from tab where code LIKE :Code'; FDQuery1.ParamByName('code').AsString := '%123%'; FDQuery1.Open; ...the "%" is in the parameter! Other Example: Qry.ParamByName('REN').AsString := '%[_]' + Pair.Key + '[_]' + Pair.Value + '%';
  7. Lars Fosdal

    SQL problem

    My bad for not reading your example closely enough. The problem is that you are not searching for a substring %G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\Examples\Layers101% is a superset that contains values that are NOT in the database. You want to find out if your DB text is contained in your parameter - which is completely different thing. FDQuery1.SQL.add('Select MainDirectory'); FDQuery1.SQL.add('from Files'); FDQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE INSTR(''' + Edit1.Text + ''', MainDirectory) > 0'); The above will return lines where the MainDirectory strings are found as part of the string in Edit1.Text.
  8. miab

    Can you mix VCL and FMX?

    You can use firemonkey-container
  9. Carlo Barazzetta

    StyledButton and StyledDialog

    After the preview at IT-DevCon 2022 in Rome, I'ts time to release a new Open-Source project for Delphi-VCL, which will surely help to modernize "legacy" applications (support up to Delphi XE6 version). StyledButton is a completely customizable VCL "button": thanks to its versatility it is possible to use it in multiple ways, like a classic Delphi button, but with the freedom to define the border, color, aspect (rectangular, circular, squared), or as an "Icon" or "FAB", but above all it is simple to configure thanks to the many templates that "mimic" the behavior of the Bootstrap and Angular buttons, for example... StyledTaskDialog offers the possibility to completely customize the messages of your app, completely replacing the system TaskDialog, and also providing support for animations (using Skia4Delphi of course). With handy demos and examples showing most of the features... please click on the "star" if you like the project! github.com/EtheaDev/StyledComponents Any suggestions or requests for improvements are always welcome!