After the preview at IT-DevCon 2022 in Rome, I'ts time to release a new Open-Source project for Delphi-VCL, which will surely help to modernize "legacy" applications (support up to Delphi XE6 version).
StyledButton is a completely customizable VCL "button": thanks to its versatility it is possible to use it in multiple ways, like a classic Delphi button, but with the freedom to define the border, color, aspect (rectangular, circular, squared), or as an "Icon" or "FAB", but above all it is simple to configure thanks to the many templates that "mimic" the behavior of the Bootstrap and Angular buttons, for example...
StyledTaskDialog offers the possibility to completely customize the messages of your app, completely replacing the system TaskDialog, and also providing support for animations (using Skia4Delphi of course).
With handy demos and examples showing most of the features... please click on the "star" if you like the project!
Any suggestions or requests for improvements are always welcome!