Again, I think most of you are missing the point. In any workplace scenario, most code written by inexperienced programmers is checked by more experienced programmers. Also, just because the code passes unit tests doesn't mean it's "accepetable" code, although I'm sure there are organiations that would disagree with that.
The point is ... ChatGPT seems to generate code somewhat on par with newbie programmers. There's a LOT of useful code it generates, and some that's wrong. It may not compile right off the bat, but that doesn't mean it's 100% useless. I can't speak for anybody else here, but while I know that there are lots of eyeballs on code posted to SO, most of it is short and STILL isn't something that can simply be copy-and-pasted into anything without spending time reviewing it and making it "fit in" with your existing code. That seems to be the "ideal" that everybody is holding up and saying, "Well, when it's as good at programming as I am, then I'll consider it worthwhile." I'd say, well bubba ... when it's THAT good, you and I will be out of work.
There are plenty of things on SO where nobody offered up good solutions that ChatGPT can at least help with.
Looking for stuff on SO is like going on a Treasure Hunt, and what you get is often no better than what you can get directly from ChatGPT. The thing is, ChatGPT is not just FASTER, but it will invariably get better over time.
I've hired supposedly "experienced" devs over the years to write relatively small and highly-specific code units for me, and the quality of their code they sent me was mostly pretty low. Most, I'm assuming, couldn't even solve the problem I gave them b/c they just disappeared after a while.
There's also a problem I encounter a lot on SO (among other places) where I'll ask for a solution to X and end up with a bunch of suggestions to redefine my problem to solve Y instead because they don't understand X. At least ChatGPT answers the question without trying to redefine things! And know-it-alls on SO frequently downvote QUESTIONS they don't like and argue about whether they should even be asked. In fact, I find that MOST Delphi questions submitted lately all have negative upvotes ON THE QUESTION ITSELF. This just screams out, "Don't post stupid questions here!"
ChatGPT is far less judgmental in that respect, which I think is a Good Thing.