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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/23 in all areas

  1. Remy Lebeau

    Placing Child Behind Parent

    OK, so then simply make the TRectangle be the Owner of the TImage, but make the TRectangle and TImage be siblings of the same parent, instead of making the TRectangle be the parent of the TImage. This way, the TImage can go behind the TRectangle, and you can move the TImage whenever the TRectangle is moved and vice versa, unless the Ctrl key is down. This is exactly how VCL controls like TLabeledEdit are implemented, for example.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Cecking Application Execution

    That code can't possibly work as you propose. For one thing, you can't determine parent/child relationships using EnumProcesses(). It only gives you a flat array of all the running process IDs at that moment, there is no guarantee as to their order in the array. Second, you are simply looking for the caller's passed-in PID in the array, and when found then you are opening a HANDLE to that process and querying its PID - the same PID that you already have! GetProcessId() does not give you a parent PID. The only APIs I am aware of that can provide you with a parent PID are: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() + Process32(First|Next)() NtQueryInformationProcess() So, for example, using Toolhelp32: function GetParentProcessID(const AProcessID: DWORD): DWORD; var hSnapshot: THandle; pe: PROCESSENTRY32; begin Result := 0; hSnapshot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if hSnapshot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then try pe.dwSize := SizeOf(dwSize); if Process32First(hSnapshot, pe) then repeat if pe.th32ProcessID = AProcessID then begin Result := pe.th32ParentProcessID; Exit; end; until not Process32Next(hSnapshot, pe); finally CloseHandle(hSnapshot); end; end; Or, using NTDLL: function GetParentProcessID(const AProcessID: DWORD): DWORD; var hProcess: THandle; pbi: PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; begin Result := 0; hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, AProcessID); if hProcess <> 0 then try if NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, @pbi, SizeOf(pbi), nil) = STATUS_SUCCESS then Result := DWORD(pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId); finally CloseHandle(hProcess); end; end;
  3. Chris Pim

    iOS 17

    A huge thanks to David Nottage! A fix has been found and I've included below for those that need it. The changes need to be made in FMX.inAppPurchase.iOS.pas (copied into your own project first as usual). I've confirmed that this fixes the crash in iOS 17 and also still works in iOS 16. Not sure why we didn't see the crashes in iOS 16 but may be random luck given the nature of bugs like this. The same fix has been sent to EMB in the Quality Portal to hopefully include in the next update. procedure TiOSInAppPurchaseService.QueryProducts(const ProductIDs: TStrings); var ProductIDsArray: NSMutableArray; ProductIDsSet: NSSet; ProductID: string; begin //Check FProductsRequest isn't already in use if FProductsRequest <> nil then raise EIAPException.Create(SProductsRequestInProgress); ProductIDsArray := TNSMutableArray.Create; for ProductID in ProductIDs do ProductIDsArray.addObject(StringToID(ProductID)); // changed from the very poorly named PStrToNSStr to StringToID ProductIDsSet := TNSSet.Wrap(TNSSet.OCClass.setWithArray(ProductIDsArray)); FProductsRequest := TSKProductsRequest.Wrap(TSKProductsRequest.Alloc.initWithProductIdentifiers(ProductIDsSet)); // ProductIDsArray.release; -- comment these out to fix the issue // ProductIDsSet.release; -- comment these out to fix the issue FProductsRequest.setDelegate(FProductsRequestDelegate.GetObjectID); // calling GetObjectID without the redundant cast //Set off network activity indicator SetNetTrafficIndicator(True); //Now initiate the products request FProductsRequest.start; end;
  4. Remy Lebeau

    How to change c++ version in RAD 11?

    In RAD Studio 11 (and since 10.3), only the Windows clang compilers support C++14 and C++17, the rest of the clang compilers support only C++11. See Modern C++ Features Supported by RAD Studio Clang-enhanced C++ Compilers for details. You should not have to do anything extra to enable C++17 by default when compiling for Windows. However, if you want to specify a specific standard version, you can do so manually in the project options via "C++ Compiler > Advanced > Other options > Additional options to pass to the compiler", eg: Also see How to set C++ language standard in C++ Builder on StackOverflow.