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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/24 in Posts

  1. Vincent Parrett

    Signotaur Code Signing Server - Looking for beta testers

    Any yubikey capable of containing a code signing certificate and supported by the yubikey pkcs#11 driver (installed with their PIV tool). We have tested with a 5C and a 5 Nano. Yes, that's the main reason we developed the product (for our own use initially) - once you have configured the token/certificate on the server (via the web interface) then signing is done using the client with an api key - no password prompts. PM me if you are interested in testing - we're currently working on documentation and the website with a view to releasing as soon as they are done ( we have had some great feedback already). Also if anyone has a certificate issued by Certum and wants to test Signotuar please message me - I have a certum token/smartcard - but they didn't provide the puk so I can install certs on it for testing.
  2. dummzeuch

    ssh tunnel with ssh-pascal

    I just tried sshexec on my home Linux "server" and it worked now. It also automatically took my ssh key from Pageant. Hm, I just tried to simply request a web page through the tunnel twice in a row, but apparently the browser keeps the connection open even if I close that tab. I had to wait for a timeout. for a request to fail. But closing the whole browser window rather than just the tab worked. The connection will be closed and when retrying in a new window the request will fail.
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Simplified "Attach to Process" debugging

    When I debug a service, I simply run the service normally in the SCM, and have its OnStart event pause execution until the debugger is attached.
  4. Alexander Halser

    Exception logging/reporting on MacOS?

    The error reporting solution from JustAddCode that you mention in your tutorial does work reasonably well. While the line numbers are pretty odd, it at least delivers the function name. I was able to solve the problem on macOS with this tool.
  5. Jim McKeeth

    fmxLinux missing?

    This might work getitcmd -i=fmxlinux-12-1.78 this is the version that is installed in 12.1, and if you use the getitcmd from the RAD Studio command-prompt it should install and work.