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  1. Please show the code that actually exhibits the problem. The code you posted (if we ignore the fact that you are missing procedure keyword in your method declarations) works the way you want it to work.
  2. The TTestFoo class inherits all of the implemented methods of the TBaseFoo class. This is literally how class inheritance works. I don't understand the question. However, interface inheritance works a little different. Sometimes you have to make sure that a derived class explicitly declares all of the interfaces it supports - even the base ones - and not rely on inheritance alone to do that for you, eg: TTestFoo = class(TBaseFoo, IBaseFoo, ITestFoo) // automatically inherits the methods of TBaseFoo... procedure TestFooMethod; end;
  3. I'm sorry, but the code you have provided is full of errors, I can't even attempt to compile it as-is, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to fix it all. When you can provide an example that can be COPY/PASTED as-is (or better, provide the actual files as attachments), and it can compile and produce a specific compiler error that you are trying to fix, then I will be happy to look at it again.
  4. Can you trim that down to a MINIMAL example that actually exhibits the problem? Most of that code is irrelevant to the issue. Are you getting a compiler error? If so, what is it? What EXACTLY are you trying to implement that you think is missing?
  5. Pat Foley

    Insert an save item in ComboEdit at first position

    What keys or click did you use to connect the append. Under windows code seems to add a line when tabbed? // if you wire up onClick In Events in Object Inspector procedure TForm13.ComboEdit1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TComboEdit then begin var CE := Sender as TComboEdit; CE.Items.Insert(0, CE.text); //CE.Items.add(CE.Text); //CE.Items.Insert(CE.Items.Count, CE.text); CE.Text := ''; //clears for newline end; end;