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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/25 in Posts

  1. I have noticed in the last few days the Condensed/Expanded buttons have no effect in the Activity view - it's always expanded.
  2. I'm considering working in Delphi for awhile, and I was looking through my books (I have four of them), and every book starts off right away with Windows programming. None of the books teaches you console programming. Personally, I like console programming. I was wondering if there is a reason all of my books starts you off that way. Perhaps because Delphi is a clean, fairly easy to grasp language?
  3. dummzeuch

    Automatically show the Quick Edit dialog?

    Thanks for your suggestion.
  4. JohnLM

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    I liked the Day 19 and 23 puzzles. They were easy to solve, but 19 was solved while I was at work while I was walking out into one of my isles to pack out products and where it came to me, but getting it out in code is still a challenge. I know what I have to do but coding it is a real challenge. And as for 23, I did solve it in around 12 minutes, but I found a "cosmetic" bug in the output and I am trying to fix that. Both of these are just part 1.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    Should I just dive in to GUI programs?

    You don't need to change the AppType to use WriteLn(). A GUI app can simply call AllocConsole() or AttachConsole() and then WriteLn() will automatically work. That being said, another way to debug would be to use OutputDebugString() instead, and then you can see the messages in the IDE's debugger, or in SysInternals DebugView when running outside of the debugger.
  6. Primož Gabrijelčič

    Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi

    The same goes for Packt. They sell books for $5 (action!) without asking. They even created a monstrosity which combines both my books together and they are selling it separately (again, without asking). But they did manage to make me more money than my self-published OmniThreadLibrary book, even though their commision is much higher than LeanPubs. So they do sell many books.
  7. Primož Gabrijelčič

    Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi

    Mixed. They do their job, but you can definitely tell that it is an Indian team behind. Everything is "yes, of course" and then maybe something happens. Or maybe not. Plus they are very set in some formulaic ways - if you want to write a book, it has to fall into some already defined slot for which they know how they want organize it and then they insist on their way (how the content should be structured, what is allowed and what not etc). That is helpful, but also limiting and frustrating. Most of the time it works the best if you also say "yes, of course" and then do it in your own way. 🙂 Technical staff and editors are mediocre, at best. They definitely will not catch all errors. So - if you are looking for a perfect partner, they are not the one. If, however, you can just say "eh, whatever" from time to time and move on, they work just fine. They do pay on time, though. As for the other publishing houses, I have no idea.