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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/25 in Posts

  1. I finally received the EV certificate. It was an exhausting journey, where every day the certification body (Certum) asked me for a document, a clarification or something else. Having to follow the complete path (I had never purchased any certificate from them) they rightly verified everything and even more than everything. The installation of the certificate (keys and certificate itself) on the hardware key was done through their control panel via browser in two stages. Everything worked the first time and the cost was in line with that of direct competitors (at least for the three-year solution). The hardware key is seen directly through the "storage" of Windows certificates and so the certificate is visible and usable by any application. In the Rad Studio IDE I inserted a new Tool (under "tools menu") that allows me to immediately sign the executable file (or DLL) compiled from the project. Now the second step is to verify with Microsoft the pairing for signing the drivers.
  2. I very much doubt that. You are probably just using it incorrectly. Can you provide some code?
  3. Dave Nottage

    Slow response on TButton click

    I've tested the same project using Delphi 12.2, deploying to an emulator running Android 8.1 (which is what the Sunmi D2 Mini shipped with), and all respond with the same speed. Perhaps someone with a real device might be able to confirm?
  4. I have installed FB3 as a service. FB2.5, 4.0 and 5.0 are also installed, but i run these version not as a service it runs as program with different port configuration. So i can run different FB-Server versions at the same time. Port 3040: FB2.5 3050: FB3.0 (default) 3060: FB4.0 3070: FB5.0 The follow code runs PROCEDURE TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); VAR FDIBInfo: TFDIBInfo; AVersion: TIBInfo.TVersion; BEGIN FDPhysFBDriverLink1.VendorLib := 'D:\Temp\fbclient32_500.dll'; FDIBInfo := TFDIBInfo.Create(Self); FDIBInfo.Protocol:= ipLocal; FDIBInfo.DriverLink:= FDPhysFBDriverLink1; FDIBInfo.UserName:='SYSDBA'; FDIBInfo.Password:='masterkey'; FDIBInfo.Port:= 3070; FDIBInfo.GetVersion(AVersion); ShowMessage(AVersion.FServerStr); END; But it detects the wrong Server version, the result are allways the follow WI-V3.0.11.33703 Firebird 3.0 The code line FDIBInfo.Port:= 3070; has no influence on the execution. Is this possibly an error or is generally only the FB version of the installed Windows service queried? Are there a better way to detect the FB-Server version? I use Delphi 12.0.1
  5. In the meantime, I have come up with a solution. I have debugged something in the library. I found out that if the protocol is set to "ipLocal", the port is not taken into account. You have to change the protocol to "ipTCPIP" and set the host to "localhost", then it works. Follow the final code FUNCTION TfrmMain.GetFirebirdServerInfo: boolean; VAR FDIBInfo: TFDIBInfo; AVersion: TIBInfo.TVersion; AConfig: TIBInfo.TConfig; BEGIN Result := False; IF (teFirebirdInstallPath.Text = '') AND (teFirebirdVersion.Text = '') THEN BEGIN FDIBInfo := TFDIBInfo.Create(Self); TRY FDPhysFBDriverLink.VendorLib := teVendorLibrary.Text; FDIBInfo.Protocol := ipTCPIP; FDIBInfo.DriverLink := FDPhysFBDriverLink; FDIBInfo.Host := 'localhost'; FDIBInfo.Port := spePort.Value; FDIBInfo.UserName := teUsername.Text; FDIBInfo.Password := tePassword.Text; FDIBInfo.GetVersion(AVersion); teFirebirdVersion.Text := AVersion.FServerStr; FDIBInfo.UserName := teUsername.Text; FDIBInfo.Password := tePassword.Text; FDIBInfo.GetConfig(AConfig); teFirebirdInstallPath.Text := AConfig.FServerPath; Result := True; FINALLY FDIBInfo.Free; END; END ELSE BEGIN Result := True; END; END;
  6. Had same issue.. sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-33" this command will install the platform-tools which are also missing.. sdkmanager pretty sure my issue was due to an older version of java during install, sdkmanager fails to run.. make sure java paths are set for both 32 and 64 bits, i forgot one.. no more compile errors anyways.. thanks! ~q
  7. Hey Dave, thanks much. I first had to get that Eclipse Adoptium installer. Confused on why the Delphi installer is not installing any JDK when it's needing it... Using the two sdkmanager commands works, and a couple of exclamation marks are gone, but the SDK Manager still is complaining about "SDK base path", "adb.exe location". Do you know what else to install? (Trying to add the Android platform to a project and building it produces the amazingly helpful compiler output "[Error]", so the compiler clearly isn't happy yet, either)