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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/20 in Posts

  1. Exploring the .crash files generated by the iOS symbolizing it to identify the call stack https://github.com/viniciusfbb/fmx_tutorials/blob/master/delphi_ios_exploring_app_crashes/README.md
  2. See here: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/DeviceLens Thank you DelphiWorlds! This is helping me more than everything else for debugging my Android-Apps
  3. rvk

    How to use library from Delphi 10.1 DCUs in Delphi 10.3.3?

    You don't need LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary if you use a static function definition like "external myDLL". So use either LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress/FreeLibrary or use function/external myDLL. Also... you use a string as parameter. That is a managed type. I'm not sure but that might give you problems.
  4. vfbb

    This implementation is Thread-safe?

    Yes, the BeginUpdate call Lock internally, and the EndUpdate call Unlock. The same critical section. Just one critical section per object. Yes, my Change event is completely asynchronous, similar to the fmx messaging system (subscribe / unsubscribe), but it uses X threads to send these messages from one thread to another. I don't like the term "big risk" or "low risk" of deadlock. A good design has to be done with the chance of zero deadlock, locking the object just to copy the data to the local var of the thread or else locking only to write local var of the thread in the object (without executing anything inside locking). Example: procedure TipThread.Execute var LName: string; LId: Cardinal; begin // Read copying to local var LUser.Lock; try LName := LUser.Name; LId := LUser.Id; finally LUser.Unlock; end; // Run your code... // Write from local var LUser.BeginUpdate; try LUser.Name := LName; LUser.Id := LId; finally LUser.EndUpdate; end; end; This will never cause a deadlock.