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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/21 in Posts

  1. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I just published a new project in GitHub called WebView4Delphi. WebView4Delphi allows you to embed Chromium based web browsers in your Delphi or Lazarus applications using the WebView2 runtime. It uses the latest stable version of the WebView2 nuget package 1.0.1054.31. I used many of the tricks I learned creating CEF4Delphi and you will notice many similarities if you used it. I still have to write the documentation but you can build the available demos to see it working in VCL, FMX and Lazarus apps. There are a few things pending like the "windowless mode". It's being distributed with a simple MIT license so anyone can do whatever s/he wants with it. https://github.com/salvadordf/WebView4Delphi
  2. PeterBelow

    Changing UserDataFolder in TWebBrowser with webview

    Well, TWebbrowser (in D11) has a protected method function GetEdgeInterface: TEdgeBrowser; To get at it you can use a cracker class, e.g. declared in the implementation section of the form unit containing the TWebbrowser control. type TWebBrowserCracker = class(TWebbrowser); In your code you can then do something like var Edge: TEdgeBrowser := TWebbrowserCracker(Webbrowser1).GetEdgeInterface; if Assigned(Edge) then begin Edge.UserDataFolder := SomeDirectory; Edge.ReinitializeWebView; end; Completely untested, so use at your own risk!
  3. Apologies from an all-too-human. Let's try a youtube link again : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRTneMRC4yQ&t=1s I got that "monday" advertisement too when I tested, and then the [Skip Ad] button showed up and the real content started. THANK YOU to those who responded. Beth will be sending you info momentarily. Ann
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Simple JSON parsing

    Note that you are responsible for freeing the TJSONValue returned by ParseJSONValue(), so you should use a try..finally for that: // parse json JSONValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue('{"cmd":"program.add.text", "txt":"for I := 0 to 100 do"}'); try if not (JSONValue is TJSONObject) then Exit; ... finally JSONValue.Free; end;
  5. I am quite confident that isn't the case here. Otherwise they had found a way to send sophisticated personal messages to users of this forum that actually make sense.