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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/22 in Posts

  1. Scott Slater

    Issue with TDialogService.InputQuery fmx for IOS

    This has already been fixed according to QP. In the comments, there is a provided temporary fix until an update comes out. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-37702
  2. Dont give up on better code :-). Migrate the name and method signature slowly to something better. Use the Deprecated key word and introduce the replacement.
  3. mvanrijnen

    Change the background color of a TEdit

    Not personal, but there is a reason why we use a webbrowser instead of a TV set. I like to read this kind of things instead of watching YT 😉 (just a comment)
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Scrap TVirtualStringTree using Win 32 api (SendMessage)

    VST doesn't have TreeView interface but it implements accessibility API (in VirtualTrees.Accessibility) and procedure TBaseVirtualTree.TVMGetItem(var Message: TMessage); message TVM_GETITEM; // Screen reader support function. The method returns information about a particular node.
  5. corneliusdavid

    Line Break after i type 'if'

    Yes, this is the Live Templates feature of Delphi (one of my favorite productivity features, actually). A default set of templates gets installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\ObjRepos\en\Code_Templates\Delphi as you discovered but remember that anything under C:\Program Files (x86) is read-only by default, so renaming or changing a Live Template from Delphi might not affect the actual file--or, as you encountered, you'd get the "Unable to create backup folder" error as Delphi tries to create a backup of the template before saving the new changes (which it will also fail to do unless you're running Delphi as Administrator). In addition to the default templates mentioned above, any new ones you create are stored in C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\code_templates\Delphi. Since your user folder IS writable, you can rename/modify/delete the templates there all you want. You can turn off the auto-completion of the templates (which forces you to hit Ctrl+J to activate one) by going into Tools > Options > User Interface > Editor > Language, switching to the "Code Insight" tab, and unchecking "Auto complete" under "Code template completion".
  6. Noodles

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    Yeah, it's a pain because of how bloated the system/sysinit.pas files have become and you cannot recompile them without the command line compiler. Some fun "unrelated" trivia though... Did you know the GetIt package manager used by Delphi/CBuilder can deploy compiler patches? Did you know that the GetIt package manager simply downloads patches from an open/public https server? Did you know that "CompilerLSPHotfixGeneral-20201104" fixed some compiler issues and in doing so needed to deploy a new version of the command line .exe's? Did you know that although CE doesn't need this patch it is still openly available for uses that do need it and is perfectly compatible with the current CE version? Just sayin' =D