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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    Yes, I did use Forms too, before switching more and more to Frames. Works well either. In new projects I will have 1 main form, and the rest of the views will be done in frames. Anyway, Frames should be more lightweight, and for me proofed to be stable under FMX. I think the biggest problem with Frames at all is: If you try to use them as component by the IDE-Designer, this will end up in crash sooner or later with a lot of headache.
  2. Rollo62

    Travis CI joins Idera

    Howto compare CI ? Is Travis CI a good recommendation ? I was just looking forward to Jenkins.
  3. Rollo62

    Test Bits in a Byte

    Oooh yes, you're right. Just checked the headline Then I hope that someone still finds the info about such alternative (system) method interesting, with all pro's and con's.
  4. Rollo62

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    This works well for me in many places procedure Frame_Embed_To(const AFrame : TFrame; const ACarrier : TControl); begin if Assigned( ACarrier ) and Assigned( AFrame) then begin ACarrier.BeginUpdate; try AFrame.Parent := nil; AFrame.Parent := ACarrier; AFrame.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; finally ACarrier.EndUpdate; ACarrier.Repaint; end; end; end; procedure Frame_Embed_ReleaseFrom(const AFrame : TFrame; const ACarrier : TControl); begin if Assigned( ACarrier ) and Assigned( AFrame) then begin ACarrier.BeginUpdate; try AFrame.Parent := nil; finally ACarrier.EndUpdate; ACarrier.Repaint; end; end; end;
  5. Rollo62

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    I was also hesitating to use Frames for many years, from some bad experieces under VCL, and especially in Designmode. For FMX I use Frames in some places very successfully, where I use designer to design them same like a form, and loading only via runtime into TRectangles. I checked also other carriers, like TPanel, TLayout, they all seems to work well. Since also the TFrameStand uses Frames as visual container, I feel quite sure about them now. I also use Interface with Frames, so that I'm able to create the frame in a factory, and using them via Interface elsewhere. Still I don't use Frames in Designmode, like dropping a component, since I think there are a lot of misconceptions. With good encapsulations, at runtime, they behave quite well, and I even can embed frames into frames in same way. Rollo
  6. Rollo62

    Measure Process Time

    What is your code doing ? Have you checked with a very simple, expectd to be constant, function (like cos(), etc.) ?
  7. Rollo62

    Test Bits in a Byte

    Whoever needs this ...
  8. Rollo62

    pixel-perfect bitmap FMX app

    Still unsure what you mean. If you mean accessing Bitmaps, this is done by mapping the Bitmap first, so to be able to access single pixels. This should have no pixel scaling problems.
  9. Rollo62

    MessageDialog in Delphi 10.3

    The anonymous procedure helps to keep your app responsive, instead just showing a modal dialog or form. This is required on mobile devices, but I also highly recommend to use the same strategy for desktop too. There are many other methods to prevent unwanted user actions while the dialog is shown, beside modal dialogs and forms.
  10. Rollo62

    MessageDialog in Delphi 10.3

    I always consider the Application.ProcessMessages suspicious, do you really need this ? Usualy I'm fine when reacting to my stuff directly in the anonymous procedure.
  11. I considered Node as a small excutable wrapper (a main loop if you will) around the V8 engine, and all the rest done by additional JS modules. Don't beat me if I think too simple here, but I have never looked under the hood of Node, maybe I'm wrong and there are still a lot "system stuff modules" written in C++. If the same thing could be done with ChakraCore too (build a small executable around, maybe via Delphi), and then use the ecosystem of V8-Node too. Anyway, the question would be if there is any advantage of such ChakraCode-Node over V8-Node ? Probably a smaller executable, or a better Delphi-integration, if possible at all ? But your demos here look very promising.
  12. Rollo62

    Windows installer: best practices ?

    I love InnoSetup too, great tool, but it would also make sense to have a Wix-compatible installer. So far, from my last research a while ago, this was not possible to easily integrate with Inno or Nullsoft, only by M$-Tools. My hope would be to have a simple option so that Inno can generating Wix-compatible installers too.
  13. Very interesting. I'm not that deep in Chakra and Node, maybe can you point out the main differences between both briefly ? Where are both cores compatible, and where not ? Maybe you know a good source in the web like "Can-I-Use" for comparing both engines. I never considered Chakra as 1:1 replacement for Node, but they seems to be more close than expected.
  14. Rollo62

    Google pushes 64 Bit

    I still have hope thats existing Apps might get a somewhat less strict treatment. Its only a vague Hope...
  15. Rollo62

    Google pushes 64 Bit

    Thanks for the reminder, if we try to analyse what this really means for us there are still some questions left (at least for me). Maybe somebody know more about the coming changes in the PlayStore, etc. ? Would be good to align the right launching strategy for new apps before the deadline. For the earlier store changes I already placed new, planned apps, as dummy apps, before the deadline. So that there are at least apps in the store, and Google might be a little less strict with them.
  16. Ok thanks for the info, seems to have some support left at least. Would be good to have another strong option left beside Chromium, as this seems to take over everything at the moment.
  17. Thanks for the nice project. Sorry, I don't want to be negative, but do you know more about the future of ChakraCore ? Since Edge browser has moved to Chromium, this is probably a not too bright future. I would not try to launch big projects based on ChakraCore any longer.
  18. Thanks very much for the efford, looks good to me. Search seems to do well in full text, at first sight, great.
  19. Rollo62

    Google Map Component

    But you can simply add the account data, Google still has a large free tier for free apps. If you use the map a lot, then this might get exhausted soon, and the cost may explode. For a seldom map requests the tfree tier might be OK. I also think that Goggle is not clever giving up so many interesting free projects in the past. So a lot of developers will have to look after more reliable sources then, and this could affect the whole Google Cloud business. I you don't trust once, you don't trust ever ...
  20. Im afraid all GIS solutions are a little expensive, like TatukGIS. Probably this CartoVCL is something for you, but I don't know much about it.
  21. Rollo62

    Recompile Delphi RIO RTL/VCL?

    Yes, thanks. Seems I missed this interesting post before. I didn't expect that much influence, also very intersting ist the LVCL project from Arnoud. Thanks god I'm not pushing towards smallest memory footprint on VCL, but maybe a LFMX project will be interesting one day
  22. What do you look after for GIS, something like OpenStreetMap mapping, or also ReverseGeoCoding ? Maybe this little unit helps for OpenStreetMap, at least a somewhat. Not sure if this is still current, since its already a little older. But If you are able to spend a few bucks I would recommend the TMS OSM component, or the one for Google Maps. I have seen at least the Google Maps version working very nicely.
  23. Rollo62

    Recompile Delphi RIO RTL/VCL?

    If you want to remove advanced RTTI from RTL/VCL, you have to recompile RTL/VCL, which is what OP wants. @Dalija Interesting. How much MB would we gain from removing Rtti in system libs ? I've never considered to remove anything from there, as I think its probably not worth to consider memory space in 21th century. Maybe this is another story with mobile devices still. Anyway, I use Rtti, so maybe I have to consider this in my next project.
  24. Rollo62

    Am I using IF correctly?

    I see another advantage in the 1. option, which is debugging: You can step/break into both cases, instead or only one.