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gioma last won the day on October 30 2024

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20 Excellent

About gioma

  • Birthday 08/25/1980

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. gioma

    Reduce exe weight : Link with runtime package

    But I don't get it, compared to two BPLs weighing a total of about 22 MB, I only have a saving of 6 MB... mah!
  2. gioma

    Reduce exe weight : Link with runtime package

    I only set these options for the release build. A strange thing happens: if I add only "vcl" when I start the EXE, it requires both VCL and RTL. Why is this?
  3. Hi, I have a project in Delphi 12.2 of an exe that extracts other EXEs always made with delphi. I would like to reduce the weight of these executables, I thought of using the "Link with runtime package" option and linking the programs with the two largest BPLs VCLxxx.BPL and RTLxxx.BPL. The problem is that adding RTL to the list of "Runtime packages" does not produce any reduction in the weight of the EXE. Why I get this result? Thanks
  4. gioma

    FindFirst : with network files it fails

    thanks for the reply. Yes, what you say is already done by the browser component, the problem is another, for network paths I always have to add the prefix "\\?\UNC\" otherwise it doesn't work.
  5. Hi, I need to retrieve information about a file, to do so I use the FindFirst function. The problem is when I use it with a network file it returns error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. //FileName='\\SERVER-CODE\DelphiShared\Test.txt' //FileName='\\\DelphiShared\Test.txt' procedure PrepareToTransferLocalFiles(FileName:string); begin if FindFirst(FileName, faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then begin //some code.. else begin WriteLog('[PrepareToTransferLocalFiles] Open File ' + FileName + ' Err: '+intToStr(GetLastError)+' : '+SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)+')' ); end; FindClose(sr); //some code.. end; where am I going wrong? PS The program uses a browser component that uses network authentication when it needs to access protected folders.
  6. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I said that Delphi 12.2 is currently impossible for me to use. Currently I have to use Delphi 12.1, with all its problems that slow down my work. I try to keep the IDE updated because I hope (perhaps in vain) that Embarcadero fixs this problems.
  7. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    my component loads the DLL at runtime and not at design time. I say this because since version 11 I have IDE crashes every day, so I'm led to think that those who comment perhaps don't use Delphi as frequently as I do. However, Delphi 12 when it came out had big problems and I had to wait for the first patch to install some purchased components. In fact, I had opened a ticket on the embarcadero portal and they replied that it was a problem that they were solving. Now I have this problem with the component I created and I opened another ticket and they replied that I am not the only one to have it. It is very strange, in fact it only occurs if I compile in debug, but once I trigger the error (a compiler access violation) I can no longer compile even in release. To be able to use Delphi 12.2 I will have to wait a few more months, that is, when and if they release a patch for this bug too. Can we continue like this? Every time they come out with a new release instead of releasing patches and we are forced to reinstall the entire development environment. In addition, it is advisable to do a clean installation every time because often the version update brings with it many problems. Can we work like this?
  8. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I have been using Delphi for twenty years. Rad Studio works well up to a certain point, then it starts to limp until it crashes due to ITS INTERNAL FUNCTIONS. I don't think the word search can be crashed by a component that wraps a DLL in C+ on the webrtc! Or do we want to talk about when it goes out of memory and you have to restart the IDE? This doesn't happen to me with any other development IDE in the world, NONE!!!! I repeat, I'm not playing, I'm not a college student, I work with Delphi 6 days a week, 8/9 hours a day!
  9. I wish the IDE would work! - I wish word searches would not crash the IDE and cause my unsaved work to be lost. - I wish the IDE would not freeze for no apparent reason and cause my work to be lost - I wish Code Insight would finally work - I wish the IDE would not go out of memory after using it for a while To sum up: I want a stable IDE that doesn't waste my time and finally fixes the bugs that have been around for years! am I asking too much?
  10. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    The problem is that Delphi often crashes when searching for words, which I have to use because Code Insight often doesn't work. It happens mostly on large projects, while it is much rarer on small projects (that use the same components). I don't think it depends on Third Party Components.. This NEVER happens with Visual Studio.. NEVER!
  11. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I work 9/10 hours a day with Delphi, among other things these things also happen to my colleague on another PC. Delphi is full of bugs and the patches for each version are very few. Version 12.1 has received only one patch since its release and there will not be any more because now version 12.2 has been released. Version 12.2 however is full of new bugs that do not allow me to work. I have opened at least 4 cases with Embarcadero on their portal for new problems with the new release. One in particular does not allow me to work with version 12.2 of Delphi. I must therefore continue to work with version 12.1 which allows me to work even if it slows down my work a lot. I'm not a college student, I'm not playing, my time is money.
  12. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    This is caused by Embarcadero's policy. Instead of releasing patches for the IDE they release new versions. This means that every time you have to reinstall everything!
  13. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Are you kidding? it's the first thing I do every time I update delphi. I have been working with Delphi for almost 20 years. PS Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and sorry if I came off a little abrupt.
  14. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    I We use Delphi in our work environment to develop our products. I have been using Delphi since 2006, and honestly, I have never been so challenged as with these latest releases. I couldn't use version 12.2 until the first patch was released because it was impossible to install a component due to a Delphi error. However, now I can't debug my application because the IDE crashes. If I close the IDE, it shows an access violation. With Delphi 12.1, every day – and I emphasize every day – I have to restart it 2 or 3 times due to continuous crashes! I’m really thinking about migrating our projects to another programming language because working this way every damn day is really difficult! Little by little, we will migrate and say goodbye to Delphi for good because it makes no sense to spend thousands of euros a year for a tool that hinders your development.
  15. gioma

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    This release is a real disaster! If I open and close the IDE I get an access violation. I had to work very hard to be able to compile my projects which worked very well with Delphi 12.1, Delphi 11.x, Delphi 10.x. Now I can't debug because it keeps getting errors... TOTAL DISASTER!