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John Kouraklis

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Posts posted by John Kouraklis

  1. Ok, upgrade completed and things seem to be in place except the Connection Managers. 


    I can see the files in Documents. Anyone knows how to make the (new) IDE recognise them? Does it use the registry?


    Edit: It doesn't seem to recognise GetIt installed packages.....sadly

  2. @Mahdi Safsafi Very cool. Thanks for this


    A couple of questions: 

    1. Do you need to create/Free TRTTIContext? All the books/articles I've seen they just use the record


    2. The TypeInfo variable in DoSomething conflicts with TypeInfo from RTTI. It should use a different name, right?


    3. How do I get the value of the fields now? I tried this:

    for lFields in LType.GetFields do
    	Writeln(' '+lFields.Name + ': '+lFields.GetValue(TypeInfo(Rec)).AsString);

    but the instance in GetValue is not correct. 


    Thanks again

  3. Hi,

    I want to write a function and allow the user of the function to pass a record that I do not know in advance. Then, the idea is I iterate through the fields in the function.


    Something like this:

    function pass (aRec: record): boolean;


    But a 'record' can't be used like this.


    I've thought of two approaches but without being able to make them work:


    1. Use of pointers:


    function pass (aRP: Pointer): boolean;



    /// here I do not know how to (cast the pointer to any record and) iterate using RTTI

    /// I think this can not be done as the cast seems very arbitrary




    2. A kind of adapter record:


      TAdapterRec<T> = record

        instance: T

       constructor Create (aRec: T);



    and then tried to declare the function:

    function pass (aRec: TAdapterRec<T>): boolean;

    but generics like these are not allowed.


    Anyone can help with this? I would like to avoid using classes.





  4. I uploaded a package for 10.2 


    Very welcome to test and see if all is good.


    Also, it would be great if someone could check/test/create packages for other versions as I don't have any other installed. Please see the open issue on github.


