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Dave Nottage

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Everything posted by Dave Nottage

  1. It appears Xcode 15.1 has broken Delphi - I'm having the same problems with that version. Reverting to an earlier version may fix it. I'm about to find out.
  2. Sorry about that.. I'm sure I have seen a similar error mentioned before, however I'm unable to find a reference for it. Which version of Xcode are you using?
  3. Is your Mac an M1 or M2 or M3 device? If so, start Xcode on the Mac, and click the Xcode menu, Open Developer Tool > Simulator. If you're able to do that, I'm not sure what the issue is. If your Mac is not an M1, M2 or M3, you're out of luck - Delphi supports only ARM-based Simulator, which is available on those kinds of Macs
  4. Dave Nottage

    Open file dialog in IOS

    No. I guess I'll need to research this further.
  5. Dave Nottage

    Open file dialog in IOS

    That's what I'm trying to find out. Is it able to write back to a file or folder that you (or another app) created?
  6. Dave Nottage

    Open file dialog in IOS

    Unfortunately on iOS the only picker that has a selection limit is PHPickerViewController, which applies to photos/videos. Which path is it being selected from? I doubt that a write-back is possible.
  7. Dave Nottage

    12.0 Compilation problem for Android App

    Check the minSdkVersion value in your projects AndroidManifest.template.xml file. If it's below 21, the packaging tools are unable to use multidex, thus the error. The > 65536 methods refers to how many methods are included in the jar files (in Project Manager, in the Libraries node under the relevant Android target), which grew substantially from Delphi 11.3 to Delphi 12. If the minSdkVersion value is %minSdkVersion%, the IDE replaces it with the default supported value which is 23, in the resulting AndroidManifest.xml in the project output. If this is the case for you, there may be some other configuration issue.
  8. Dave Nottage

    Delphi 11.3 issue with iOS Today Extension widgets

    The problem was introduced in 11.3 - a "bug" was reported that I strongly suspect was not even a bug, and "fixing" it actually broke the process. You can thank @Chris Pim for it - and it's because of him (and your article, thanks!) I'm finally on the track of making customized notifications on iOS work (though as far as user experience goes, it's pretty sucky compare to Android)
  9. Dave Nottage

    Delphi 11.3 issue with iOS Today Extension widgets

    It was reported in https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-42283, but there are a couple of other similar reports, e.g. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-42415 The problem is that PAServer signs the extension with the wrong entitlements, and in Chris' (and my) case, it's unnecessary because the extension has already been correctly signed, i.e. it does not even need to be touched. Replacing the extension in the .app bundle, and using iosinstall to install the it solves the problem, at least debugging-wise. I expect a similar process will be needed for repackaging the .ipa.
  10. Dave Nottage

    Problema com TEdit Delphi 12

    Once again:
  11. Dave Nottage

    Problema com TEdit Delphi 12

    Then show your full code. The example you gave does not show anything about clicking a listview item. A complete, basic test project would be even better.
  12. Dave Nottage

    Problema com TEdit Delphi 12

    When you say "fill in the edit with some text value", do you mean in code? If so, please show your code - all of the relevant code. It seems to me you may be attempting to populate the edits outside of the main thread.
  13. Assuming NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification is an NSString, it should be passed like this: NSObjectToID(NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification) Having said that, I haven't come across the need to use such an observer. You might like to take a look at the code in Kastri that creates a process on macOS and reads from the output.
  14. Dave Nottage

    TLocationlistener.. fails in Delphi 12.

    Your TLocationListener does not implement onFlushComplete, which was added to JLocationListener in Delphi 12: JLocationListener = interface(IJavaInstance) ['{D1CF3FB5-3BCB-4959-98D7-BD4D8F93D839}'] procedure onFlushComplete(requestCode: Integer); cdecl; procedure onLocationChanged(location: JLocation); cdecl; overload; procedure onLocationChanged(locations: JList); cdecl; overload; procedure onProviderDisabled(provider: JString); cdecl; procedure onProviderEnabled(provider: JString); cdecl; procedure onStatusChanged(provider: JString; status: Integer; extras: JBundle); cdecl;//Deprecated end;
  15. In the released version of Delphi 12, the folder is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-23.0.50491.5718
  16. It's done for both iOS and Android, but for Android just for Delphi 12. For iOS, either 11.3 or Delphi 12.
  17. I've now pushed the changes to support User Messaging Platform (UMP). Support for Android is via Delphi 12 only. I strongly suggest reading the readme, paying attention to the details.
  18. Looks like it's going to be a Delphi 12 only kind of thing at least for Android, as using the current implementation of User Messaging Platform needs jar libraries that are included with Delphi 12. It might be possible to add the required jar libraries and "disable" the older ones in Delphi 11.3, however it is becoming too messy. I'm now working on doing some cleaning up, re-testing and documentation - might be done before the end of the weekend.
  19. Dave Nottage

    Getting Win 11 in Delphi

    Using TOSVersion: IsWindows11 := (TOSVersion.Major = 10) and (TOSVersion.Minor = 0) and (TOSVersion.Build >= 22000); (At least until Windows 12?) Where IsWindows11 is a Boolean.
  20. That library is connected with push notifications, and is not related to UMP (User Messaging Platform). That I am, and thanks! A progress update: I have some code working in Android, though the process of integrating the support is not exactly pretty - it's something that really should be built into the IDE. More later..
  21. There is no reason for your application to do anything if you tap a notification that is meant for other applications. What do you mean by "closes abnormally"? Does it crash with no error messages? Have you used the Console app to check for log messages that might help determine why your app crashes?
  22. I'm working on adding this to the Kastri library - it might be ready in a few days time.
  23. Dave Nottage

    How to Clear TWebBrowser

  24. More or less, yes 🙂 Updating would be for far more important factors than those warnings
  25. Yes - update to Delphi 12. If that's not an option, and unless you're having problems with Play Store due to the warnings, it's pointless to do anything.