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Everything posted by FredS

  1. I use a Samba Domain on Ubuntu (16.04) and can login with KB5028166 installed from a 22H2 W10 VM.. I used a new Domain account to force new profile generation to make sure..
  2. Little has changed since Godzilla, or maybe some of that is back again. I still use a clean bat when switching between 'Build Configurations', that limits the problem even today. What it does is delete all DCUs which exist from all but the current 'Build Configuration'.
  3. Not so simple then, I've not seen running code that executes with identical integrity, tokens and access.. A few posts on SO claim to have solved it but the Scheduler works so I've found no need to retest all for that.. ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Create /F /SC ONCE /TN taskname /TR "<cmd>" /ST 00:00', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Run /TN taskname', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Delete /F /TN taskname', swHide); Add some error checking and it works..
  4. Once you run elevated you have access to the Scheduler, use Schtasks.exe to Create/Ru/Delete a task to run that app..
  5. This is how I compile with older versions of controls.. might help you get started. The CMD file is in the project root and changes directory to Source: @ECHO OFF :: :: How to Redirect to an older Version of VCL :: Since no IDE is required this will work for NON installed versions of any VCL controls ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: Redirect DX, to compile with source we need to update all these ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REM @SET DXVCL=%VCL%\DevExpress VCL\20.2.8 (26-May-2021) for PA2-R12 REM IF NOT Exist "%DXVCL%" ( REM echo."%DXVCL%", Directory does not exist REM Pause ) REM CALL :SetEnvVar "DXLibs" REM CALL :SetEnvVar "DXSources" REM SET DX REM pause :: :: Redirect UNI, to compile with source we need to update all these ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REM @SET UNIVCL=%VCL%\UniDAC\9.0.1 (14-Sep-2021) REM IF NOT Exist "%UNIVCL%" ( REM echo."%UNIVCL%", Directory does not exist REM Pause ) REM CALL :SetEnvVar "UNILIB" REM CALL :SetEnvVar "UniSources" REM SET Uni REM pause :: :: Environmental Vars declared in the IDE must be redeclared ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET CompilerV=28 @SET ProductVersion=22.0 @SET IDEVER=11.0.2 :: :: Now expand those with rsVars.bat ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bin\rsvars.bat" :: :: Reset the rsVars.bat defaults ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET BDSCOMMONDIR=D:\Embarcadero Studio\22.0 :: :: Add the location of cmd.exe ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET PATH=%WINDIR%\System32;%PATH% cd source :: Recomended in 10.4 Release Notes.. MSBuild APP.dproj /t:clean REM TIMEOUT /T 10 MSBuild APP.dproj /t:build /v:q /p:Config=Release /p:platform=Win64 cd .. :: View any output notices pause :: ========== FUNCTIONS ========== EXIT /B :: Read a Value from Environment :: Param 1: Name of output variable. :: Param 2: SubKey. :RegQueryEnv @ECHO OFF SET KEY="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" :: Remove the double quotes Set SUBKEY=%~2 FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg.exe query %KEY% /v "%SUBKEY%"') DO ( set %1=%%B ) EXIT /B :: Expand any EnvVars in the Text :: Param 1: Name of output variable. :: Param 2: Text to Expand (%UNIVCL%\Lib\Delphi$(CompilerV)) :ExpandEnvVar @ECHO OFF set %1=%~2 REM echo.ExpandEnvVar=%Text% EXIT /B :: Combines RegQuery and ExpandEnvVar then uses @SET :: Param 1: SubKey. :SetEnvVar @ECHO OFF CALL :RegQueryEnv Value %1 CALL :ExpandEnvVar Value "%Value%" @SET %~1=%Value%
  6. FredS

    Code completion failure

    The myth of a working LSP server.. since before Godzilla 🙂
  7. I don't have 11.2, but the fact that madExcept needed an update to deal with ASLR tells me its finally working. Redux: https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/rad111_pe_security.html
  8. This hasn't worked for at least 11 years: https://www.codenewsfast.com/cnf/articles
  9. I didn't renew last February and in the good bye letter from EMBT there was something about being able to reactivate it.. I don't have it handy but pretty sure there was a period specified when it can be reactivated. Maybe you better clarify that with subscriptions..
  10. FredS

    Zip Compression library

    Wouldn't it be simpler just to use ShellAPI and Windows to zip?
  11. FredS

    Solution to compare mysql schema via sql file

    I can show you an example but most of my code uses internal stuff. But let me make one thing clearer; the action after Beyond Compare is manual NOT automatic.. In short, after comparing the prior db creation script with the new one methods within the Patching unit are called manually.. This example increase the Size of a [N]Varchar Column using UniDAC, FB3/4 and SqlServer dbs: /// <summary> /// Increase the Size of a [N]Varchar Column /// </summary> /// <param name="NullKind"> /// Must be given else some dbs default to allowing nulls when you make changes /// </param> class procedure TExecSqlPatch.IncVarChar(const Con: TUniConnection; const ATable, AColumn: string; const NewSize: Word; const NullKind: TNullKind); {$REGION 'History'} // 29-Aug-2018 - ExecuteSQL does not return any usefull count for these Block calls {$ENDREGION} var sql: string; begin case Con.DbProvider of dbFirebird: begin sql := 'EXECUTE block as BEGIN ' + ' if (exists(select 1 from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS rf where rf.RDB$RELATION_NAME = :TableName and rf.RDB$FIELD_NAME = :ColumnName))' + CRLF + ' then execute statement ' + 'ALTER TABLE :TableRaw ALTER COLUMN :ColumnRaw Type VARCHAR(:NewSize)'.ToQuoted + SEMICOLON + CRLF + 'END'; sql.ReplaceParams([ATable.ToUpper, AColumn.ToUpper, ParamRaw + ATable.ToUpper, ParamRaw + AColumn.ToUpper, NewSize]).Error.Assert; Con.ExecuteSQL(sql); sql := 'EXECUTE block as BEGIN ' + ' if (exists(select 1 from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS rf where rf.RDB$RELATION_NAME = :TableName and rf.RDB$FIELD_NAME = :ColumnName))' + CRLF + ' then execute statement ' + 'ALTER TABLE :TableRaw ALTER :ColumnRaw :NullKind NOT NULL'.ToQuoted + SEMICOLON + CRLF + 'END'; sql.ReplaceParams([ATable.ToUpper, AColumn.ToUpper, ParamRaw + ATable.ToUpper, ParamRaw + AColumn.ToUpper, ParamRaw + cFB3NullKind[NullKind]]).Error.Assert; Con.ExecuteSQL(sql); end; dbSQLServer: begin sql := 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE [TABLE_NAME] = :Table AND [COLUMN_NAME] = :Column) ' + CRLF + 'BEGIN ' + CRLF + ' ALTER TABLE :TableRaw ALTER COLUMN :ColumnRaw NVARCHAR(:NewSize) :NullKind ' + CRLF + 'END '; sql.ReplaceParams([ATable.ToUpper, AColumn.ToUpper, ParamRaw + ATable.ToUpper, ParamRaw + AColumn.ToUpper, NewSize, ParamRaw + cMSSQLNullKind[NullKind]]).Error.Assert; Con.ExecuteSQL(sql); end; else raise ENotImplemented.Create('Not Implemented'); end; end;
  12. FredS

    Solution to compare mysql schema via sql file

    I wrapped most Alter statements into a 'SQL.Patching.pas' unit which fires what is needed depending on a version field at startup. Found the simplest way was to make all changes and then use Beyond Compare on the db creation script to generate an output which is used to call the methods in the Patching unit.
  13. I've seen that change when the Windows license is changed.
  14. FredS

    Amazon Linux 2

    Maybe you need to open the port in the Firewall(s)..
  15. FredS

    Partial Serial Number Verification System in Firemonkey

    Adding this to the unit worked for me: {$RANGECHECKS OFF}
  16. FredS

    LDAP connection

    I don't use that unit, you'll need to figure out how searches are made using it.
  17. FredS

    LDAP connection

    Use ldap_search_sW
  18. FredS

    LDAP connection

    Use the ldap_bind_sW function (winldap.h)
  19. FredS

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Sure, sometimes I use Notepad++ bookmarks and its Editor.. 🙂
  20. FredS

    difference .optset and .dproj file

    IMO its best to stay away from those, still at least one open bug report RSP-17558, this one is the worst and nearly 5 years old: RSP-14723.
  21. FredS

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Or when you start using some of the IDE features meant to help you manage large projects..
  22. I just type garbage for the first two now, then try and read that idiotic picture on the third one..
  23. FredS

    Fill Class Variables from a table row??

    RSP-35486 TRttiField.SetValue breaks past bevaviour with Null and String
  24. Not if you you code it to respond to the Classes.SyncEvent : https://stackoverflow.com/a/61022449 I use both, in one case I have many threads collecting data and triggering updates to a form while getting ready to launch another Task I don't want to pause the updates so a call gets wrapped in an Async which uses the trick above.. but I try to only do that for single calls that are guaranteed to take a short time.
  25. This scenario doesn't sound like it needs Async at all. Start a thread with an OnTerminate Event Disable all user input and show a busy signal When the thread completes the event fires and all reverts back to normal For the few cases that Async is needed there is `MsgWaitForMultipleObjects`..