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Found 9 results

  1. In Delphi in System.Class we have this declaration: TShiftState = set of (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble, ssTouch, ssPen, ssCommand, ssHorizontal); Given that declaration, how can I declare a variable that will be just one of those values?
  2. Mark Billig

    Visible Application List

    I am trying to create a list of applications that are running and visible, similar to Windows "Task Manager" in simple view. I have been successful except for applications that are running elevated. I am trying to get the "File Description" property and as long as I can get the file name and path I can get the description. Is there a way to get the file description directly or a way to get the name and path of an elevated application? I have been searching but everything I have come across so far does not work.
  3. Dllama, a simple and easy to use library for doing local LLM inference directly from Delphi (any language with bindings). It can load GGUF formatted LLMs into CPU or GPU memory. Uses Vulkan back end for acceleration. Simple Example uses System.SysUtils, Dllama, Dllama.Ext; var LResponse: string; LTokenInputSpeed: Single; LTokenOutputSpeed: Single; LInputTokens: Integer; LOutputTokens: Integer; LTotalTokens: Integer; begin // init config Dllama_InitConfig('C:\LLM\gguf', -1, False, VK_ESCAPE); // add model Dllama_AddModel('Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Q6_K', 'llama3', 1024*8, '<|start_header_id|>%s %s<|end_header_id|>', '\n assistant:\n', ['<|eot_id|>', 'assistant']); // add messages Dllama_AddMessage(ROLE_SYSTEM, 'you are Dllama, a helpful AI assistant.'); Dllama_AddMessage(ROLE_USER, 'who are you?'); // display the user prompt Dllama_Console_PrintLn(Dllama_GetLastUserMessage(), [], DARKGREEN); // do inference if Dllama_Inference('llama3', LResponse) then begin // display usage Dllama_Console_PrintLn(CRLF, [], WHITE); Dllama_GetInferenceUsage(@LTokenInputSpeed, @LTokenOutputSpeed, @LInputTokens, @LOutputTokens, @LTotalTokens); Dllama_Console_PrintLn('Tokens :: Input: %d, Output: %d, Total: %d, Speed: %3.1f t/s', [LInputTokens, LOutputTokens, LTotalTokens, LTokenOutputSpeed], BRIGHTYELLOW); end else begin Dllama_Console_PrintLn('Error: %s', [Dllama_GetError()], RED); end; Dllama_UnloadModel(); end.
  4. Mandy.Rowlinson

    Delphi Certified Developer Exam

    Hi, Anyone went through the Delphi Certified Developer Exam recently ? What sort of questions you got asked ? Any tips to pass the exam ? Thank you.
  5. I have a pascal project and looking for a static scanning tool for security code review for the Pascal programming language. All the tools out there that i found so far were only for performance code review and not for security. Anyone knows a tools that can do the job? Some scanning tool and I expect it to help me find security flaws in my project, but couldn't find a good security tool.
  6. I'm running Delphi XE7, and mysteriously/randomly Delphi XE7 will sometimes ONLY show the CPU view when debugging my 64-bit Windows app, and not let me step through any Pascal source. It will stop on a breakpoint but only show CPU view when the breakpoint is hit, and right click - View Source does nothing. When this occurs, if I go to the Modules view, none of the entry points and addresses are showing up for the program's .EXE itself. I can debug a .DLL module used by my project, that was compiled in Delphi, because the module entry points and addresses do show up when I click on that .DLL in the modules window, unlike when I click on the main .EXE in that same Modules window. When this issue occurs, quitting Delphi and restarting it does not resolve it. If I reboot the entire computer, this issue can resolve itself but may start happening again the same day. Today it occurred, and I rebooted, and it resolved it, but then it happened the 2nd time I ran the program in the IDE, which is very frustrating. I have yet to find a way to get the issue to resolve without rebooting. When this issue occurs with my project, I'm able to load a different 64-bit Delphi project and debug it, so it is not a matter of the XE7 debugger itself failing to load module entry points for the main .exe of all 64-bit apps, just the project I want to work on, and it's very mysterious, because I've gone a week or two at a time without the issue occurring with my project and then it happens and rebooting the machine is the only thing that may resolve it, at least temporarily. By the way, the Modules view does show the Base Address, Module Name and .rsm file for the program's .EXE but, again, when you click on the main exe then none of the entry points and addresses are showing up. I'll also mention that I can debug other projects with the same settings as my project when this issue occurs. When this issue occurs, and the main .EXE module is loaded for my project the Event Log does still indicate that the main .EXE has debug info. Any idea why this is occurring, and will it still occur after upgrading to the latest version of Delphi? I keep getting sales calls about upgrading. This was never an issue when I debugged 32-bit apps. Thanks, J.
  7. 50 Years of Pascal by Niklaus Wirth. (in Russian)
  8. Hello, We are looking for a Delphi Object Pascal Developer. Our system is entirely based on it, and some updates are needed. We are located in Morocco but remote work is an option. (Long term project). Please respond if interested.
  9. Hello people, my name is Edisson Savio and I am interested in implementing DLL libraries in my code. I work with simulation of numerical methods applied to reentry physical problems. I have implemented my actual code in PASCAL language using Class variables as start point. I have sucess in such implementation. Now, I am interested in using DLL libraries and after a research in this topic, my unique idea was based on the work of Marco Cantù in "Bible Delphi 3" and I have implemented in such way. I have created the base unit and the implementation unity, as well as the DLL routine. When I put this one to run, my code doesn´t execute the first implementated routine. I would like to know if there is someone who can help me in this task? I wait for your help, best regards, Edisson Sávio.