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I own Delphi 10.2.3 with a license

why I do not have 

 FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL and more.?

All I have is in the picture

Screenshot - 26_09_2023 , 11_24_30.jpg

Is it only in enterprise Not in professional?




Edited by limelect

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@Die Holländer In the About it does not say what I have.

As far as I recall I have professional

In the license, it says professional.

Edited by limelect

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46 minutes ago, limelect said:

@Die Holländer In the About it does not say what I have.

As far as I recall I have professional

In the license, it says professional.

I think ADO should work.


Apart from the specific requirement SQL Server Connectivity using ZEOSLIB (Zeos Database Objects) makes sense. In the Zeoslib Portal on top you can find a links section with direct links to the various download sections. Zeoslib also works for me, but I'm a hobbyist. As far as I see, SQL Server (native) seems not be considered especially.

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:36 AM, MichaelT said:

I think ADO should work.


Apart from the specific requirement SQL Server Connectivity using ZEOSLIB (Zeos Database Objects) makes sense. In the Zeoslib Portal on top you can find a links section with direct links to the various download sections. Zeoslib also works for me, but I'm a hobbyist. As far as I see, SQL Server (native) seems not be considered especially.

Agreed. Embarcadero have been introducing these new DB components by the score and it seems support for them gets dropped just as quickly. Rather stick with ADO as that has been around for ages and hopefully will be for the future.

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Embarcadero have not dropped support for MS SQL Server. It's just not in "Professional". I think "Professional" has always been limited to local databases only. MS SQL Server would rarely be expected to use just for a local database.

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SQL has always been for the Enterprise tier and up.

In 12.3, support for SQL Server 2022 has been added.

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