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Handing over the baton to Thomas and Lars

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Hi everyone,


more than twenty-one years ago, I started the German-language part of this forum and could not even begin to imagine what it would become. Thanks to the tireless support of many moderators as well as your thirst for knowledge and willingness to answer other people's questions, it has become a pillar of the virtual Delphi community - even far beyond the German-speaking world. Since 2018, this English-language part of the forum has also been available, with considerable support from Lars.


With an online presence of this size comes the obligation to take proper care of it. I have always been very happy to do this, but over twenty-one years is a very long time and life and its priorities change. I can't help but realize that my daily/weekly time has become less available and the time has come for me to hand over the management of the forum to someone else.


Thankfully, Thomas B. ("TBx") has agreed to take over the Delphi-PRAXiS and continue it in good hands - together with Lars, of course. You know Thomas as a longtime moderator of this forum and now he will take over my previous role.


I myself will of course remain part of the Delphi community - not least because I continue to work a lot with Delphi in my job. I will also remain a part of this forum.

Thank you all for over 21 great years!

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Hi Daniel,

Thank you for all the work & effort you have put in to this valuable tool.

Very much appreciated.



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Thank you, Daniel - for expanding the Delphi-PraXis site to offer a home for the English speaking Delphi Developers!

I spelunk this place almost every day, and it is invaluable to the community for keeping up to date, and find help in resolving issues - or simply for learning new things!


See you around, and my best wishes to you and your family for a joyful and prosperous new year!


Brgds, Lars F.

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Thank you, Daniel, for your commitment to the forum. Delphi-PRAXiS is truly a place where you can find professional advice and members are always available to resolve other people's doubts and problems.
Happy continuation in your career.

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I'm pretty quiet but I too visit every day and am always interested in the high-quality discussion here.  Every now and then I ask a question and have had wonderful responses.  Thank you for all your hard work and all the best going forward.


Best, Rob C

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We would like to join in expressing our gratitude for your hard work and for providing a platform that connects Delphi enthusiasts.


As a company specializing in the migration and modernization of Delphi software, it is becoming increasingly challenging each year to find communities like Delphi-PRAXIS for exchanging experiences. We deeply value the opportunity to stay connected with like-minded professionals and passionate individuals who truly understand and appreciate the power of Delphi.


Daniel, Thomas, Lars, thank you for your continued efforts in developing this forum and keeping it alive and thriving.


With sincere appreciation,
The Softacom Team

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4 hours ago, Softacom | Company said:

Daniel, Thomas, Lars, thank you for your continued efforts in developing this forum and keeping it alive and thriving.

Hear, Hear.

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