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C Libraries to Delphi

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Hi there,

The most recent libraries I have for certain APIs are three C libraries; however, Delphi libraries are not offered.

To work with apps, all libraries require DDL files; therefore, I need someone with expertise in Delphi to convert those libraries to native Delphi Pascal files.

Many thanks in advance to all the specialists...




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On 4/4/2024 at 4:39 PM, msd said:

To work with apps, all libraries require DDL files; therefore, I need someone with expertise in Delphi to convert those libraries to native Delphi Pascal files.

Yea the articles linked by Brandon are on the spot. What you need is to make a C-style interface to the DLL's. The header files just tell you how you can implement the functions. I'd estimate an experienced programmer can easily do this within a week. 


For example struct _DATA_REGISTRATION:

typedef struct _REGISTRATION_DATA
    VARIANT registrationData;
    VARIANT signatureData;
    VARIANT issuingAuthority;


    registrationData: Variant;
    signatureData: Variant;
    issuingAuthority: Variant;

Some of the IRegistration:

#ifndef __IRegistration_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IRegistration_INTERFACE_DEFINED__

/* interface IRegistration */
/* [unique][helpstring][uuid][dual][object] */ 

EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRegistration;

#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
    IRegistration : public IUnknown
        virtual /* [source][helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize( 
            /* [retval][out] */ LONG *result) = 0;
        virtual /* [source][helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Finalize( 
            /* [retval][out] */ LONG *result) = 0;
        virtual /* [source][helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetReaderName( 
            /* [in] */ LONG index,
            /* [out] */ BSTR *readerName,
            /* [retval][out] */ LONG *result) = 0;


  IRegistration = interface(IUnknown)
    function Initialize(out result: LongInt): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function Finalize(out result: LongInt): HRESULT; stdcall;
    function GetReaderName(index: LongInt; out readerName: WideString; out result: LongInt): HRESULT; stdcall;

I just quickly scrabbled these together to give you an impression.

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19 minutes ago, mitch.terpak said:


I just quickly scrabbled these together to give you an impression.

Yes, try Chat-GPT to translate sourcecode. It is quite good in it..



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24 minutes ago, Die Holländer said:

Yes, try Chat-GPT to translate sourcecode. It is quite good in it..



Yeah, the header files seem easy enough that it can probably do a quite good job. But if you don't know what you're doing and make type mistakes you get an external error that will be very hard to track down. It will probably be a bit stubborn since it's so much code, so you'll have to step through it 

Edited by mitch.terpak

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Yes, but the use is not to get a clean 100% translation.

It will give you a lot of insight of the differences between Delphi/Pascal and C keywords/declarations etc..  


>It will probably be a bit stubborn since it's so much code, so you'll have to step through it

Yes, like the programmer that has to translate the code..

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10 minutes ago, Die Holländer said:

Yes, but the use is not to get a clean 100% translation.

It will give you a lot of insight of the differences between Delphi/Pascal and C keywords/declarations etc..  


>It will probably be a bit stubborn since it's so much code, so you'll have to step through it

Yes, like the programmer that has to translate the code..

Large spectrum between unpaid intern translating or well paid software engineer of course

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On 4/4/2024 at 3:39 PM, msd said:

therefore, I need someone with expertise in Delphi to convert those libraries to native Delphi Pascal files

I'm not quite sure what you are saying here? Are you looking to hire somebody?

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Is this code running in C++ Builder?


If so, you may just need an interface unit, not a full DLL.


I can probably help if you'd like to discuss it.

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Google Gemini (please don't even give it a try).

ChatGPT 3.5: Correct Translation

ChatGPT 4.0: Pro Translation


Thanks to all the advice.

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3 hours ago, msd said:

Google Gemini (please don't even give it a try).

ChatGPT 3.5: Correct Translation

ChatGPT 4.0: Pro Translation

This is pretty epic, let's be honest. Take all the drudge out, and let us work on the brain stuff.

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