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Alberto Fornés

PLABEL VCL Labelling, FlowChart and Technical Drawing editor

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Version 3.0 of the PLABEL VCL components has been released, this is a version written from scratch and using the Skia library to render graphics. The previous version was used to add a label editor to our applications: text, paragraph, images, barcodes, etc. In this new version, the possibility of editing flowcharts and technical drawings (layers, dimension measurement, operations with lines, scale, etc.) has been added. Drawings can be printed or saved as pdf, png, jpeg, gif or svg. Saving as SVG can be interesting for web projects, or if you need to show technical drawings in documents such as quotes and orders. At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel/Gallery , you can see several examples of created documents, some of them as SVG.


  • The appearance and functionality of the property inspector has been changed, now it is better organized and more compact.
  • inspect_polyline.png.f195e0087b3126fded8ebee1643d5aef.png
  • In labelling mode you can rotate left or right the label.
  • rotate.gif.5ee9d1d0f6116e392b53e66958b8b878.gif
  • Link label elements to data: TDataset descendant, csv or json.
  • Table element to print records from detail tables.
  • Inplace editing text, align positions vertical and horizontal. Set background rounded rectangle.
  • text.png.1ad40f5316467ff4850fdde34c49315e.png
  • Symbols can be created by code and saved in categories and libraries, to then be inserted in a certain position, scale and angle of rotation. Symbols can have one or more connection points, to link to other elements in the drawing. You can organize the elements of the drawing in layers, which you can hide or print as needed.
  • sel_symbol.thumb.png.8c7e68310404c324ee589fea5dbc155d.png
  • You can add dimensions and measurements to the drawing, their appearance can be modified using dimension styles.
  • dimension_style.thumb.png.1fe263735a60b9c63c61d0c20bc46311.png
  • In technical drawings, apart from the units, you can define a scale greater than one, which will be taken into account when placing the dimensions and measurements
  • drawing_03.png.4fb1b0550f8e0e948e532b1654d10368.png
  • New elements: nutriscore display, level, rank, show box sizes
  • new_elements.gif.14759d113a063f741a47ec8e185abd07.gifdraw_package.png

At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel you can find downloadable demos of the three editors: labels, flowcharts and technical drawings, an example of generating a dynamic SVG from a browser with webbroker, as well as a pdf document where the editor's functionalities are explained for the end user.


Here https://www.youtube.com/@MESURASOFT are some videos showing funcionalities


It is available in versions Delphi 10 (Seattle) to Delphi 12.0 (Athens)


Previous users who purchased the PLABEL VCL 2.8 license of the components have a special access price to this version. There is a 20% discount coupon [ PLABEL ] until September 4.





Edited by Alberto Fornés
Error with Delphi version
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Nice component, are there plans to support FMX too?

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46 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

Nice component, are there plans to support FMX too?

Yes, next week I will start with the version for FMX, the RTL base and the drawing with Skia is the same, the changes are the writing of the editor component.

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If anyone has tried to download and got an error, I have reviewed the link for the Labelling demo program and reviewed the installer for the SVG label generation program.

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I ordered it because I have lots of ideas how to use it (especially the technical drawings) to augment our software. 🙂

Let's see how this goes. If nothing else our customers will be able to create nice labels 😉

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