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Authorization to the firebase's https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/v1:batchImport

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I always received FDeviceToken from the request https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/v1:batchImport

    Content-Type: application/json 
    Authorization: key=YOUR_SERVER_KEY 
    "application": "com.company.app", 
        "apns_tokens":[ "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f...." ] 


        { "results": 
        [ { 
          "registration_token": "ejXQlECjCeI:APA91bE7oaUhaFnGyl77lFrySdEaWxocM0oj81uNezACX1wsZXiTyL4OYo5ssvFjjWYpFymMVyqBccboVcwTTW2rvykOmV_CABDM7rTIRCiJFl_9ngf7SrDSYoFouwNj69JSwlH.....",
                  "apns_token": "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f....",
                  "status": "OK"


But recently this request stopped working (authorization required).

I get the answer:
    { "error": "Not authenticated or unauthorized"}


How to solve this problem?
How to rewrite the query?


Most likely it is related to this


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