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How to refer to a single value from an enumerated type declared in a set type?

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In Delphi in System.Class we have this declaration:

TShiftState = set of (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble, ssTouch, ssPen, ssCommand, ssHorizontal);

Given that declaration, how can I declare a variable that will be just one of those values?

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If you're using a Delphi version 10.3 or newer, you can also achieve this by declaring an inline variable:

LEnum := ssShift;


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1 hour ago, PiedSoftware said:

Given that declaration, how can I declare a variable that will be just one of those values?

Prior to Delphi 12, the Enum type for TShiftState is anonymous, so you can't declare a variable of that type, at least not directly. With the introduction of Inline Variables and Type Inference in Delphi 10.3, you can do so, but only if you initialize the variable at the same time you declare it, eg:

 var state := ssShift;

This is exactly the kind of situation why several such Sets in the RTL have been re-written in recent versions to separate their Enum types from their Set types. TShiftState was re-written in Delphi 12, it now looks like this:

TShiftStateItem = (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble, ssTouch, ssPen, ssCommand, ssHorizontal);
TShiftState = set of TShiftStateItem;

So, you can now declare a variable of type TShiftStateItem.

Edited by Remy Lebeau
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Ok, ok: :classic_wacko:

procedure HappyAssignmentsFromHappyDeclarations;
   stateOneItem     : TShiftStateItem;
   statesetOneItem  : TShiftState;   
    // A single item
    stateOneItem    :=   ssShift;   
    // A set with a single item only
    statesetOneItem := [ ssShift ];


Edited by Rollo62

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6 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

Sorry, what are you looking for?

// A single item
var state : TShiftStateItem =   ssShift;
// or
// A set with a single item only
var state : TShiftState     = [ ssShift ];


That's assignments. OP is asking for a type declaration.

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Yes, I wanted to clarify WHAT exactly he wants to assign ...

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29 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

Sorry, what are you looking for?

OP is on older version of Delphi 10.4 your example is Delphi 12.

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