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Ian Branch

Build time affected with an updated component...

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Hi Team,

I am now using Delphi 12.3 but the issue existing when using previous Delphi versions.

I have a 3rd Party component installed. No names, no pack-drill.  🙂

With v 1.xx the Apps built in a normal acceptable time.  With its replacement, v 1.yy, the Apps build at about 50% slower.

You can see the line counter clicking over.  If the same, or any other App is withing a Project Group, the Apps build at normal speed.

I have eliminated having the 1.50 component being recompiled every time by isolating its .pas file so only the .dcu is visible/available.

The .bpl & .dcp are in the correct places and only one of each exists.

Any thoughts on why the speed discrepancy when building just the single project/App?

If I swap back to v 1.xx, build speed is restored.


Regards & TIA,


Edited by Ian Branch

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Hi Ian

Very strange.

Does this components include a design package or IDE wizards ?

Does it needs external DLL ?

Does it affects builds and constructs in DEBUG and RELEASE configurations ?

Is it for Windows or an other platform ?

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Hi Patrick,

Very strange indeed.

13 minutes ago, Patrick PREMARTIN said:

Does this components include a design package or IDE wizards ?

Just a .bpl to install the component.

13 minutes ago, Patrick PREMARTIN said:

Does it needs external DLL ?


17 minutes ago, Patrick PREMARTIN said:

Does it affects builds and constructs in DEBUG and RELEASE configurations ?

It is slow in both with Debug taking an extra 12 seconds.  Probably due to the normal additional Debug code inclusions.

19 minutes ago, Patrick PREMARTIN said:

Is it for Windows or an other platform ?

Just Windows.



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