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Angus Robertson

SVN server updated

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Apologies if anyone has been having trouble accessing the ICS SVN over the last week, I've retired the 12 year old VM it was running on and now installed SVN on a new hosted Windows Server 2019, not trivial since I'd forgotten how we set it up all those years ago and I've avoided messing with it so as not to break it.


But SVN is now running on a modern version of Apache supporting SSL and running on ports 80, 443 and 8443 (the old one), so you can access http://svn.overbyte.be/svn/ or https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/ as well as the old URL, or svn://svn.overbyte.be/ which is unchanged.  That last server took a long time to set-up because I thought it was part of Apache but turns out to be a little SvnServe program that had been running for 12 years without me noticing.  SVN is now also available on IPv6, but that is transparent and handled by DNS. 


I believe the Apache SSL configuration is correct, but it also serves svn.magsys.co.uk with a separate certificate and sometimes gets confused about which to send. 


Please shout if SVN does not behave as expected.




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We all should thank Angus for his huge work in ICS world.

Angus, I say THANK YOU!


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Now trying to get the zips updated automatically, seems someone has been messing with SVN commands in the past 12 years, which is why I never updated anything!



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Do you really want to check out the whole repository or only the trunk? If the former, this is correct, if the latter, add /trunk to the URL.

The result will then be a working copy that can be updated with

svn update

From within that directory.

Edited by dummzeuch

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I would suggest to use TortoiseSVN which is a subversion GUI tool perfectly integrated in Windows Explorer context menu. Much easier to use than SVN command line.


In the command line, you should add usercode and password. Type "svn help co" to get help.

Usercode and password are both "ics" in lower case with quotes.


Try this command line:

svn checkout --username ics --password ics svn://svn.overbyte.be/ics/trunk



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Hi Francios,

I am using Tortisesvn.

Thank you.  All good now.  Checked out Rev 1453

svn co --username "ics" --password "ics" svn://svn.overbyte.be/ics/trunk ics






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Does the server really use the svn: protocol? I thought that was legacy. Or does it use http(s)?

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21 minutes ago, dummzeuch said:

Does the server really use the svn: protocol? I thought that was legacy. Or does it use http(s)?

I believe it serves both protocols as Angus said in #1

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The server now uses all three protocols, svn, http and https.  The old server did not have https or rather we never set it up. 


I agree the svn protocol on port 3690 is very old, but we always supported it and many people will have scripts expecting to use svn (like me) rather than http, so it's still running. 




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seems that the svn servers (http://svn.overbyte.be/svn/ics/trunk) are down since 9 Apr.

TortoiseSVN complains about "host unknown".

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Sorry, the internet hosting centre has been suffering a series of DDOS attacks since the weekend, usually only half an hour at a time before they block it, please just keep trying.  The servers themselves are fine, I can access them using my internet connection directly to the hosting centre. 




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