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Is there a program for Converting from VCL to FMX?

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I was wondering if there was a program or tool or whatever you want to call it, for taking a VCL project and converting its components over to an FMX project and be able to open and continue working on it in the FMX environment. 


I have over time been in this situation, where I start out with VCL but later decide I could use this in Android. Today I'm in that situation. 


I mainly have tbuttons, tmemos, tpanels, tedits, and ttabs. 

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in fact, not! because exists many differences between it.

then, you always will have code it.

in RAD you can find "reFind.exe" that allow "replace" occurrences by other, but you need create your script manually

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Personally, I would probably not use such tools.  The move from one visual component lib to another on a different platform is going to cause headaches.  You would not want to do direct DB from a mobile device, you often can't use tabs and dialogs the same way - the UI form factor is different, touch vs mouse is different.  If the biz logic is done in separate classes, such a move is not difficult to do manually.  If it is tightly intertwined with GUI code - you will have a job on your hands.

As for the state of Mida - the last update on their forums were in April 2019?

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Be careful with Mida. From my experience the software is not working. Although it can still be purchased, it won't run because at startup the software cannot contact their license server and then stops. I tried contacting the developer many times, never had a response.

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I've started converting ICS VCL sample applications to FMX, using VCLToFireMonkeyFormConvtr.exe from: http://www.innovasolutions.com.au/delphistuf/ADUGVCLtoFMXConv.htm

or  https://github.com/rogerinnova/Delphi-Firemonkey-Dunit


It is very basic, search and replace using an INI file, not looked at the Github version, but the zip download was for XE5 and the INI file needed several changes to bring to cope with the latest FMX forms.  I mapped TListView to TStringGrid, TRadioGroup to TListBox, TBitBtn to TButton, TComboBox to TComboEdit, TRichEdit to TMemo, TPageControl to TTabControl, and a few other things.   TGrid would be better than TStringGrid, except it uses virtual data (which the help fails to mention) which needs a lot of rewriting. TRadioGroup is the biggest problem, visually you can do it, but there is no simple ItemIndex to use, so TListBox with or without a separate caption is easier.  


I can share my INI file is anyone wants it, but it's a work in progress, several more samples to convert.




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I've been busy in several things that kept me busy.  Life stuff. Anyway. I wanted to thank you all for all the info on this. I will read through it again some more, thanks. 

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On 12/20/2022 at 11:24 AM, Angus Robertson said:

I've started converting ICS VCL sample applications to FMX, using VCLToFireMonkeyFormConvtr.exe from: http://www.innovasolutions.com.au/delphistuf/ADUGVCLtoFMXConv.htm

or  https://github.com/rogerinnova/Delphi-Firemonkey-Dunit


It is very basic, search and replace using an INI file, not looked at the Github version, but the zip download was for XE5 and the INI file needed several changes to bring to cope with the latest FMX forms.  I mapped TListView to TStringGrid, TRadioGroup to TListBox, TBitBtn to TButton, TComboBox to TComboEdit, TRichEdit to TMemo, TPageControl to TTabControl, and a few other things.   TGrid would be better than TStringGrid, except it uses virtual data (which the help fails to mention) which needs a lot of rewriting. TRadioGroup is the biggest problem, visually you can do it, but there is no simple ItemIndex to use, so TListBox with or without a separate caption is easier.  


I can share my INI file is anyone wants it, but it's a work in progress, several more samples to convert.




Would you be able to send me the file please. 


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Thank you. 

I am not sure if this is good or not. 

Does anyone have any better tools for doing the VCL to FMX translation please?


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I would recommend porting manually by hand after researching which components need to be replaced.

If you separate the biz logic from the UI, that would not be as complicated as trying to do a UI to UI remapping.

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I have done some tests using 4 different methods.
None is sufficient. I will have to bring the the FMX to VCL converter up to date. I am working on it (I will put it in my git repository).



Edited by GabrielMoraru

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