xorpas 4 Posted January 26, 2023 Hello I would like to convert png or any image format To Ico with fmx Any Help Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2366 Posted January 26, 2023 You could search for a library with support for this. Otherwise the ico format is very simple and comprehensively documented. 1 Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1861 Posted January 27, 2023 19 hours ago, David Heffernan said: the ico format is very simple and comprehensively documented I'm guessing you've never had to write code that can read and write icons in all of the supported formats 🙂 1 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted January 27, 2023 (edited) first load your png file using the timage object. then use timage's bitmap, check below code. PNG -> BMP -> ICO If ur question is, give me a ready-made function, if you say you want a small code that automatically prepares the png and icon file, I'm wondering that too, time should be spent. unit Icon32; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type ByteArray = array of Byte; TIcon32FileString = type string; TBlendMode = (bmColor, bmAlpha); TIconSize = (is16,is24,is32,is48); TIcon32 = class(TGraphicControl) private FData : PByteArray; FDataSize : Integer; FIcon32Name: TIcon32FileString; FBMP : TBitmap; FBlendMode : TBlendMode; FBGColor : TColor; FIconSize : TIconSize; FUpdate : boolean; procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); procedure SetBGColor(const Value: TColor); procedure SetBlendMode(const Value: TBlendMode); procedure SetIconSize(const Value: TIconSize); procedure SetIcon32Name(const Value: TIcon32FileString); protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Paint; override; function Empty: Boolean; procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); procedure LoadFromStream(S: TStream); procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String); procedure SaveToStream(S: TStream); procedure LoadBMP; function Equal(Ico: TIcon32): Boolean; published property Icon32Name : TIcon32FileString read FIcon32Name write SetIcon32Name; property BGColor: TColor read FBGColor Write SetBGColor default clBtnface; property BlendMode: TBlendMode read FBlendMode Write SetBlendMode default bmColor; property IconSize: TIconSize read FIconSize Write SetIconSize default is32; end; function BlendColors(const Color1, Color2: TColor; Amount: Extended): TColor; procedure Register; implementation { TIcon32 } procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Icon32', [TIcon32]); end; constructor TIcon32.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; FBMP := TBitmap.Create; FBGColor := clBtnFace; FIconSize := is32; Width := 32; Height := 32; FUpdate := True; FDataSize := 0; end; procedure TIcon32.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); function DoWrite: Boolean; begin if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then Result := not (Filer.Ancestor is TIcon32) or not Equal(TIcon32(Filer.Ancestor)) else Result := not Empty; end; begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('Data', ReadData, WriteData, DoWrite); end; destructor TIcon32.Destroy; begin if not Empty then FreeMem(FData, FDataSize); FBMP.Free; inherited; end; function StreamsEqual(S1, S2: TMemoryStream): Boolean; begin Result := (S1.Size = S2.Size) and CompareMem(S1.Memory, S2.Memory, S1.Size); end; function TIcon32.Empty: Boolean; begin Result := FDataSize = 0; end; function TIcon32.Equal(Ico: TIcon32): Boolean; var MyImage, WavImage: TMemoryStream; begin Result := (Ico <> nil) and (ClassType = Ico.ClassType); if Empty or Ico.Empty then begin Result := Empty and Ico.Empty; Exit; end; if Result then begin MyImage := TMemoryStream.Create; try SaveToStream(MyImage); WavImage := TMemoryStream.Create; try Ico.SaveToStream(WavImage); Result := StreamsEqual(MyImage, WavImage); finally WavImage.Free; end; finally MyImage.Free; end; end; end; procedure TIcon32.LoadBMP; var i, x, y, DataSize, bw, bs : Integer; BPP : Byte; col : TColor; bmp2 : TBitmap; dc : HDC; cp : TPoint; begin if FDataSize < 1 then Exit; BPP := FData^[12]; if BPP <> 32 then begin MessageDlg('Invalid icon',mtError,[mbOk],0); FIcon32Name := ''; if not Empty then FreeMem(FData, FDataSize); FDataSize := 0; Exit; end; DataSize := FData^[14] + (FData^[15] shl 8) + (FData^[16] shl 16) + (FData^[17] shl 24); bw := FData^[26] + (FData^[27] shl 8) + (FData^[28] shl 16) + (FData^[29] shl 24); bs := FData^[42] + (FData^[43] shl 8) + (FData^[44] shl 16) + (FData^[45] shl 24); case bw of 16 : IconSize := is16; 24 : IconSize := is24; 32 : IconSize := is32; 48 : IconSize := is48; end; // Case if bs < 100 then bs := DataSize - 104; FBMP.Width := FData^[6]; FBMP.Height := FData^[6]; bmp2 := TBitmap.Create; try bmp2.Width := FBMP.Width; bmp2.height := FBMP.Height; Self.Visible := False; Self.Invalidate; dc := GetDc(0); cp := Self.ClientToScreen(cp); try bitblt ( bmp2.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, bw, bw, dc, cp.X, cp.Y, SRCCOPY ); x := 0; y := bw-1; i := 62; while i < bs + 62 do begin col := RGB(FData^[i+2],FData^[i+1],FData^[i]); if BPP = 32 then begin if FBlendMode = bmColor then col := BlendColors ( FBGColor, RGB( FData^[i+2], FData^[i+1], FData^[i]), FData^[i+3] / 256) else col := BlendColors ( bmp2.Canvas.Pixels[x,y], RGB( FData^[i+2], FData^[i+1], FData^[i]), FData^[i+3] / 256); end; FBMP.Canvas.Pixels[x,y] := col; Inc(i,BPP div 8); Inc(x); if x > bw-1 then begin x := 0; Dec(y); end; if y = -1 then break; end; finally ReleaseDC (0, dc); end; finally bmp2.Free; end; Self.Visible := true; Invalidate; end; procedure TIcon32.LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); var F: TFileStream; begin F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); try LoadFromStream(F); finally F.Free; end; end; procedure TIcon32.LoadFromStream(S: TStream); begin if not Empty then FreeMem(FData, FDataSize); FDataSize := 0; GetMem(FData, S.Size); FDataSize := S.Size; S.Read(FData^, FDataSize); LoadBMP; end; procedure TIcon32.Paint; begin inherited; if FBlendMode = bmAlpha then begin if FUpdate then begin LoadBMP; FUpdate := False; end; end; Canvas.Draw(0,0,FBMP); end; procedure TIcon32.ReadData(Stream: TStream); begin LoadFromStream(Stream); end; procedure TIcon32.SaveToFile(const FileName: String); var F: TFileStream; begin F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try SaveToStream(F); finally F.Free; end; end; procedure TIcon32.SaveToStream(S: TStream); begin if not Empty then S.Write(FData^, FDataSize); end; procedure TIcon32.SetBGColor(const Value: TColor); begin FBGColor := Value; if FIcon32Name <> '' then LoadBMP; end; procedure TIcon32.SetBlendMode(const Value: TBlendMode); begin FBlendMode := Value; if FIcon32Name <> '' then LoadBMP; end; procedure TIcon32.SetIcon32Name(const Value: TIcon32FileString); begin if Value <> '' then begin if not FileExists(Value) then Exit; FIcon32Name := ExtractFileName(Value); if (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) and FileExists(Value) then LoadFromFile(Value); end else begin FIcon32Name := ''; if not Empty then FreeMem(FData, FDataSize); FDataSize := 0; end; end; procedure TIcon32.SetIconSize(const Value: TIconSize); begin FIconSize := Value; case Value of is16 : begin Width := 16; Height := 16; end; is24 : begin Width := 24; Height := 24; end; is32 : begin Width := 32; Height := 32; end; is48 : begin Width := 48; Height := 48; end; end; end; function BlendColors(const Color1, Color2: TColor; Amount: Extended): TColor; var R,R2,G,G2,B,B2: Integer; win1, win2: Integer; begin win1 := ColorToRGB(color1); win2 := ColorToRGB(color2); R := GetRValue(win1); G := GetGValue(win1); B := GetBValue(win1); R2 := GetRValue(win2); G2 := GetGValue(win2); B2 := GetBValue(win2); b2:=round((1-amount)*b+amount*b2); g2:=round((1-amount)*g+amount*g2); r2:=round((1-amount)*r+amount*r2); if R2 < 0 then R2 := 0; if G2 < 0 then G2 := 0; if B2 < 0 then B2 := 0; if R2 > 255 then R2 := r; if G2 > 255 then G2 := r; if B2 > 255 then B2 := r; Result := TColor(RGB(R2, G2, B2)); end; procedure TIcon32.WriteData(Stream: TStream); begin SaveToStream(Stream); end; end. Edited January 27, 2023 by Guest Share this post Link to post
xorpas 4 Posted January 27, 2023 (edited) Thank you mr okoca for report all code thank's But I need it for fmx Edited January 27, 2023 by xorpas Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2366 Posted January 27, 2023 8 hours ago, Anders Melander said: I'm guessing you've never had to write code that can read and write icons in all of the supported formats 🙂 We don't need to read the files, and we don't need to write in all supported formats. I guess the only real complication I can see here is the PNG format for 256px images. Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1861 Posted January 27, 2023 20 minutes ago, David Heffernan said: I guess the only real complication I can see here is the PNG format for 256px images. Actually, IME, the PNG sub-format is the least troublesome; It just has a PNG file instead of the regular BMP pixel data. No, it's the non-alpha formats, and in particular, the 1 bpp format, that is the worst. If the task here is to convert a PNG to an ICO I would just create an ICO header with a single 32bpp PNG sub-image and then simply use the PNG as-is for the sub-image. Something like this (not tested): const RES_ICON = 1; RES_CURSOR = 2; type TIconDirectoryHeader = packed record Reserved: Word; // Reserved; must be zero. ResType: Word; // Specifies the resource type. This member must // have one of the following values: // RES_ICON Icon resource type. // RES_CURSOR Cursor resource type. ResCount: Word; // Specifies the number of icon or cursor // components in the resource group. end; TIconDirectoryEntry = packed record Width: Byte; Height: Byte; ColorCount: Byte; Reserved: Byte; ResInfo: packed record case byte of RES_ICON: ( IconPlanes: Word; IconBitCount: Word); RES_CURSOR: ( CursorHotspotX: Word; CursorHotspotY: Word); end; BytesInRes: DWORD; ImageOffset: DWORD; end; TColorDepth = 1..32; // Bits per pixel. Not bits per plane. function ColorDepthToColors(ColorDepth: TColorDepth): cardinal; begin Result := 1; while (ColorDepth > 0) do begin Result := Result shl 1; dec(ColorDepth); end; end; // PngStream: A stream containing the PNG // IcoStream: The outout stream // AWidth: Width of the PNG // AHeight: Height of the PNG // AColorDepth: Color depth of the PNG procedure SavePngStreamToIcoStream(PngStream, IcoStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColorDepth: TColorDepth = 32); begin var IconDirectoryHeader: TIconDirectoryHeader := Default(TIconDirectoryHeader); var IconDirectoryEntry: TIconDirectoryEntry := Default(TIconDirectoryEntry); IconDirectoryHeader.ResType := RES_ICON; IconDirectoryHeader.ResCount := 1; IcoStream.Write(IconDirectoryHeader, SizeOf(IconDirectoryHeader)); // Note : 256x256 icon sets Width&Height to 0 (according to docs) or to 255 (according to .NET) IconDirectoryEntry.Width := AWidth and $FF; IconDirectoryEntry.Height := AHeight and $FF; var BitCount := 0; var ColorCount := 0; case AColorDepth of 1, 4: ColorCount := ColorDepthToColors(AColorDepth); else BitCount := AColorDepth; end; IconDirectoryEntry.BytesInRes := PngStream.Size; IconDirectoryEntry.ImageOffset := SizeOf(IconDirectoryHeader) + SizeOf(IconDirectoryEntry); IconDirectoryEntry.ResInfo.IconPlanes := 1; IconDirectoryEntry.ResInfo.IconBitCount := BitCount; IconDirectoryEntry.ColorCount := ColorCount; IcoStream.Write(IconDirectoryEntry, SizeOf(IconDirectoryEntry)); IcoStream.CopyFrom(PngStream, 0); end; 1 1 Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 237 Posted January 27, 2023 (edited) great Melander... better than pointing to infinity, is showing where it probably starts. that way we can fix the path at any time! (better than being left in doubt by inconclusive answers) Edited January 27, 2023 by programmerdelphi2k 1 Share this post Link to post
Patrick PREMARTIN 90 Posted January 29, 2023 Hi If you want to generate ICO exe files, you can search "Export en format ICO" text in https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/PicMobGenerator/blob/main/src/fMain.pas You'll see how I managed it for Pic Mob Generator program I've just open sourced to answer you (it was on my todo list for 2023, thanks for giving me a reason to do it). 1 Share this post Link to post
ZDeveloper 2 Posted January 29, 2023 easy mainicon tool generator https://convertico.com/ Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1800 Posted January 30, 2023 IcoFX is my goto tool for Icons. But, I have to admit I use the last free version: 1.6.4 3 Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1861 Posted January 30, 2023 17 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said: IcoFX is my goto tool for Icons. Does it work well with FMX? I like cats. 1 Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1800 Posted January 30, 2023 That depends somewhat on the platform you want your FMX to run on. The newer IcoFX versions has explicit support for Mac recommended sizes at least. I haven't checked if it has native icns support, but you can use another tool to convert the format. Delphi wants .png files in the various sizes for Android and iOS, so that is something that can be exported - but appear to accept both .ico and .icns for MacOS and Linux. Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1861 Posted January 30, 2023 18 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said: That depends somewhat on the platform you want your FMX to run on. The newer IcoFX versions has explicit support for Mac recommended sizes at least. I haven't checked if it has native icns support, but you can use another tool to convert the format. Delphi wants .png files in the various sizes for Android and iOS, so that is something that can be exported - but appear to accept both .ico and .icns for MacOS and Linux. Sorry, I should have been more clear in my sarcasm. I probably haven't had enough coffee yet. What I meant to "say" was that external tools are irrelevant in this context. The OP asked for a Delphi solution for use with FMX. Share this post Link to post
Patrick PREMARTIN 90 Posted January 30, 2023 22 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said: The newer IcoFX versions has explicit support for Mac recommended sizes at least. IcoFX generate files needed for all platforms. For the sizes we can change if we want more (or less ???) in ICO or ICNS files. Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1800 Posted January 30, 2023 The iOS sizes are weird, and needs manual rescaling - so I get the sarcasm from @Anders Melander There was a thread with another Delphi tool that made icons, but I can't recall which post. Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted January 30, 2023 (edited) On 1/28/2023 at 7:22 AM, David Heffernan said: I guess the only real complication I can see here is the PNG format for 256px images. You can tell by reading the first 4 bytes of the image. It's $474E5089 when PNG, $00100000 when ICO and $00200000 when CUR. Unfortunately the TIcon component doesn't do this (at least in Delphi 10.4 upd 2). The other tricky part is that 256px PNG ico images that aren't transparent frequently use a palette. This tripped me up recently until I realised, but TPngImage loads paletted PNG images just fine. Edited January 30, 2023 by angusj Share this post Link to post