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  1. Remy Lebeau

    Sending HTML based eMails with UTF8 encoding and SSL

    In Unicode environments (Delphi/C++Builder 2009+, and FreePascal in UNICODESTRINGS mode), Indy encodes the Subject (and other headers) using UTF-8 by default (which can be overridden using the TIdMessage.OnInitializeISO event). But for the message body, you need to manually set the TIdMessage.CharSet and/or TIdText.CharSet property to 'utf-8', as they default to 'us-ascii' if left blank and the corresponding ContentType property is set to a 'text/...' media type, like 'text/html' (I am open to consider changing this default to UTF-8 instead). Note that the TIdMessageBuilder... classes already default the CharSet properties to UTF-8 in Unicode environments. No, it doesn't matter. That has no effect on how Indy encodes the email. And in fact, since the TIdMessage.Body and TIdText.Body properties are TStrings objects, you can't store UTF-8 text in the them anyway, only UTF-16 text. So if you want the text encoded as UTF-8 during transmission, make sure the corresponding CharSet properties are set to 'utf-8'. But, are you loading that file as UTF-8? Does the file have a UTF-8 BOM? If not, you must explicitly make use of TEncoding.UTF8 or equivalent when loading the file. What does your loading code look like? That is not true at all. TIdMessageBuilderPlain has a PlainText property for the body, just as TIdMessageBuilderHtml has an Html property for the body. I think you are just confused because the PlainText property is not declared in the TIdMessageBuilderPlain class, it is actually inherited from the TIdCustomMessageBuilder class (which means TIdMessageBuilderHtml also has the PlainText property, so that you can provide alternative plain text for HTML-unaware readers). You should read my articles on this topic on Indy's website: HTML Messages New HTML Message Builder class I have posted an update to my answer on that question. As of 2 months ago, the order in which ContentType and CharSet proerties is set is no longer important. No, you do not. However, if you do need to specify a CharSet explicitly, you should do so on the MessageBuilder classes themselves. TIdMessageBuilderPlain has a PlainTextCharSet property, and TIdMessageBuilderHtml has PlainTextCharSet and HtmlCharSet properties. With that said, try something more like this: procedure SendEmailIndy( const SMTPServer: string; const SMTPPort: integer; const SMTPUserName : string; const SMTPPassword : string; const FromName, FromAddress: string; const ToAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const CCAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const BCCAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const Subject: string; const EmailBody: string; const IsBodyHtml: Boolean; //verses Plain Text const Attachments: TStrings; UseTLS : Boolean); var smtp: TIdSMTP; // IdSmtp.pas TLSHandler : TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; // TLS support msg: TidMessage; // IdMessage.pas builder: TIdCustomMessageBuilder; //IdMessageBuilder.pas s: string; emailAddress: string; begin msg := TIdMessage.Create(nil); try if IsBodyHtml then begin builder := TIdMessageBuilderHtml.Create; end else begin builder := TIdMessageBuilderPlain.Create; end; try try if IsBodyHtml then begin TIdMessageBuilderHtml(builder).Html.Text := EmailBody; TIdMessageBuilderHtml(builder).HtmlCharSet := 'utf-8'; TIdMessageBuilderHtml(builder).HtmlContentTransfer := '8bit'; end else begin TIdMessageBuilderPlain(builder).PlainText.Text := EmailBody; TIdMessageBuilderPlain(builder).PlainTextCharSet := 'utf-8'; TIdMessageBuilderPlain(builder).PlainTextContentTransfer := '8bit'; end; if Attachments <> nil then begin for s in Attachments do builder.Attachments.Add(s); end; builder.FillMessage(msg); except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do begin AddDebugEntry('Email Builder Exception : ' + E.Message); Exit; end; {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; finally builder.Free; end; msg.From.Name := FromName; msg.From.Address := FromAddress; msg.Subject := Subject; for s in ToAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.Recipients.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; for s in CCAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.CCList.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; for s in BCCAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.BccList.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; smtp := TIdSMTP.Create(nil); try smtp.Host := SMTPServer; smtp.Port := SMTPPort; smtp.Username := SMTPUserName; smtp.Password := SMTPPassword; if UseTLS then begin TLSHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(smtp); smtp.IOHandler := TLSHandler; if SMTPPort = 465 then begin smtp.UseTLS := TIdUseTLS.utUseImplicitTLS; end else begin smtp.UseTLS := TIdUseTLS.utUseExplicitTLS; end; end; try smtp.Connect; except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do begin AddDebugEntry('SMTP Connect Exception : '+E.Message); Exit; end; {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; try try smtp.Send(msg) except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do AddDebugEntry('SMTP Send Exception : '+E.Message); {$ENDIF} end; finally smtp.Disconnect; end; finally smtp.Free; end; finally msg.Free; end; end; Note that TIdMessageBuilderHtml CAN create plain-text emails as well, if no HTML is assigned, so you can alternatively use this instead: procedure SendEmailIndy( const SMTPServer: string; const SMTPPort: integer; const SMTPUserName : string; const SMTPPassword : string; const FromName, FromAddress: string; const ToAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const CCAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const BCCAddresses: string; //comma "," separated list of e-mail addresses const Subject: string; const EmailBody: string; const IsBodyHtml: Boolean; //verses Plain Text const Attachments: TStrings; UseTLS : Boolean); var smtp: TIdSMTP; // IdSmtp.pas TLSHandler : TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; // TLS support msg: TidMessage; // IdMessage.pas builder: TIdMessageBuilderHtml; //IdMessageBuilder.pas s: string; emailAddress: string; begin msg := TIdMessage.Create(nil); try builder := TIdMessageBuilderHtml.Create; try try if IsBodyHtml then begin builder.Html.Text := EmailBody; builder.HtmlCharSet := 'utf-8'; builder.HtmlContentTransfer := '8bit'; end else begin builder.PlainText.Text := EmailBody; builder.PlainTextCharSet := 'utf-8'; builder.PlainTextContentTransfer := '8bit'; end; if Attachments <> nil then begin for s in Attachments do builder.Attachments.Add(s); end; builder.FillMessage(msg); except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do begin AddDebugEntry('Email Builder Exception : ' + E.Message); Exit; end; {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; finally builder.Free; end; msg.From.Name := FromName; msg.From.Address := FromAddress; msg.Subject := Subject; for s in ToAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.Recipients.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; for s in CCAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.CCList.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; for s in BCCAddresses.Split([',']) do begin emailAddress := Trim(s); if emailAddress <> '' then msg.BccList.Add.Address := emailAddress; end; smtp := TIdSMTP.Create(nil); try smtp.Host := SMTPServer; smtp.Port := SMTPPort; smtp.Username := SMTPUserName; smtp.Password := SMTPPassword; if UseTLS then begin TLSHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(smtp); smtp.IOHandler := TLSHandler; if SMTPPort = 465 then begin smtp.UseTLS := TIdUseTLS.utUseImplicitTLS; end else begin smtp.UseTLS := TIdUseTLS.utUseExplicitTLS; end; end; try smtp.Connect; except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do begin AddDebugEntry('SMTP Connect Exception : '+E.Message); Exit; end; {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; try try smtp.Send(msg) except {$IFDEF TRACEDEBUG} on E : Exception do AddDebugEntry('SMTP Send Exception : '+E.Message); {$ENDIF} end; finally smtp.Disconnect; end; finally smtp.Free; end; finally msg.Free; end; end;