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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/19 in Posts

  1. David Schwartz

    LiveBinding at runtime

    Well, that's what the marketing fluff says, right? 🙂
  2. Yaron

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    You beat me to it, I just found this: https://mathiaspannier.wordpress.com/2016/07/17/how-to-properly-cleanupshutdown-a-delphi-isapi-which-uses-threads/ Which is essentially the same answer, can't close the connection in the finalization section when dealing with ISAPI.
  3. ConstantGardener

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    maybe this ... https://wiert.me/2019/10/03/how-to-properly-cleanup-shutdown-a-delphi-isapi-which-uses-threads-mathias-pannier-programmiert/
  4. I think that window uses TVirtualTreeview which would make it nearly impossible to read it's content and modify it with a plugin, unless there is an OTAPI interface for it. But this is guesswork, I haven't really checked either.