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  1. Use some judgement. You don't need to get rid of all booleans. Code like: SetControlsEnabled(True); SetMenusEnabled(True); SetFeaturesEnabled(True); is perfectly fine. Does it make sense when you read it? Yes, of course it does. What you need to watch out for is code like: EnumerateFrogs(True); Nobody reading that can infer what the argument does.
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    Your posts clearly show that you have no idea how reference counting actually works, nor how compiler works. I don't mean this as insult, but merely as observation. Not knowing something is not a problem on its own, but it is hard to have meaningful discussion when other party does not have basic idea about discussed topics. I could try to explain it in more details, but I don't know from where should I start. Especially, because you seem to have wrong perception about how compiler works. I am worried that we would be running in circles. Also both topics have enough content around that covering everything from the start would require writing a book.
  3. angusj

    What is the future roadmap of Graphics32 ?

    That was indeed my initial intention. However, the more I tried to remove what I considered obsolete code, the more problems I encountered as I found what seemed obsolete was still used by other parts of the library. For example TCustomBitmap32 has 14 different Line methods, 7 LineTo methods, 7 HorzLine methods and 7 VertLine methods. That really is excessive and IMHO should be removed and intead use the separate and much more flexible polygon renderer (in GR32_VPR). I'd disagree with Anders on that, though of course I could still greatly improve Image32's design. It's fair to say the TImage32 class that's at the core of my Image32 library does have a large number of methods related to loading and saving images, as well as a number of image manipulation methods (including hue adjustment and basic afine transformations - scale, rotate etc). But most of these methods (or similar) also appear in Graphic32's TBitmap32 class. IMHO Graphic32's TBitmap32 is much more monolithic, as it containing a whole host of line rendering methods (as mentioned above) and text (polygon) rendering methods too. These really shouldn't be there, as these operations are much better served by the functions found in Graphic32's Gr32_VPR unit. Further, TBitmap32's line rendering methods will only draw 1 pixel wide lines which is extremely limiting. So I would argue that my TImage32 class is much less monolithic than the TBitmap32 class. Almost none of my Image32 libray uses code from Graphics32. The excepion to that is a small amount of code in my Image32_Draw unit where the polygon renderer uses a memory allocation technique I copied from Mattias Andersson's Gr32_VPR unit. (When comparing Image32 rendering performance with Graphics32, I couldn't figure out how Mattias' rendering was so efficient.) Nevertheless my polygon renderer is based on https://nothings.org/gamedev/rasterize , though it still isn't quite as fast as Mattias' renderer. I did also briefly copy Projective Transform code from the Graphics32 library (with attribution), but that was replaced some time ago with my own code adapted from some more flexible JavaScript code I found here https://math.stackexchange.com/a/339033/384709 (again with attribution). With regard to which library is better, I suggest if you're familiar with Graphics32, or if polygon rendering performance is critical, then use Graphics32. However, Image32 does offer several benefits over Graphics32. It's a much simpler library to learn and use IMHO and it contains better cross-platform support with both Lazarus and FMX options.