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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/21 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    The thing is, experts have jobs. They aren't interested in micro payments. As a general rule. I doubt EE has ever paid its contributors or ever intended to. It was crappy website that was justly made irrelevant by a far superior one.
  2. Anders Melander

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    Anyone can file a lawsuit and if you have to resort to that in order to keep your employees then maybe the competitors isn't the problem you ought to focus on.
  3. Pat Foley

    FMX TListView with dynamicappearance. Create progress bar as bitmap.

    Runs OK! Good example of separation of units and runtime building. It may be easier to edit DFM file than drilling into Object Inspector. ItemAppearance.ItemHeight = 45 ItemAppearanceObjects.ItemObjects.ObjectsCollection = < item AppearanceObjectName = 'INDEX' AppearanceClassName = 'TTextObjectAppearance' Appearance.Width = 100.000000000000000000 Appearance.Height = 22.000000000000000000 Appearance.Align = Trailing end item AppearanceObjectName = 'VALUE' AppearanceClassName = 'TTextObjectAppearance' Appearance.Width = 100.000000000000000000 Appearance.Height = 22.000000000000000000 end item AppearanceObjectName = 'IMAGE' AppearanceClassName = 'TImageObjectAppearance' Appearance.ScalingMode = Original Appearance.Width = 200.000000000000000000 Appearance.Height = 5.000000000000000000 Appearance.PlaceOffset.Y = 32.000000000000000000 end>
  4. Serge_G

    FMX TListView with dynamicappearance. Create progress bar as bitmap.

    Hi, if you mean something like this (my first try) I use this code unit UnitProgess; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.ListView.Types, FMX.ListView.Appearances, FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base, Data.Bind.GenData, System.Rtti, System.Bindings.Outputs, FMX.Bind.Editors, Data.Bind.EngExt, FMX.Bind.DBEngExt, Data.Bind.Components, Data.Bind.ObjectScope, FMX.ListView, Fmx.Bind.GenData; type TForm18 = class(TForm) ListView1: TListView; PrototypeBindSource1: TPrototypeBindSource; BindingsList1: TBindingsList; LinkListControlToField1: TLinkListControlToField; procedure ListView1UpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); private { Déclarations privées } public { Déclarations publiques } end; var Form18: TForm18; implementation {$R *.fmx} procedure TForm18.ListView1UpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); var pBitMap: TBitmap; // for further purpose pListItemImage : TListItemImage; begin if AItem.Purpose = TListItemPurpose.None then begin pListItemImage:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('ProgressBar'); if assigned(pListItemImage) then begin pListItemImage.Bitmap.Width:=400-(abs(PrototypeBindSource1.DataGenerator.FindField('intfield1').GetTValue.AsInteger)*10); pListItemImage.Bitmap.Clear(Talphacolors.RED); end; end; end. Quick designed But I shall investigate more because this "version" need a link to (bitmap1 -> Item.ProgressBar) I was enabled to add a bitmap directly (PlistItemImage is unassigned if there is no link)
  5. Pat Foley

    FMX TListView with dynamicappearance. Create progress bar as bitmap.

    Can't read RARs today. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; colorRect: TroundRect; begin for I := 1 to 100 do begin colorRect := TRoundRect.Create(self); with colorRect do begin Setbounds(0,10 * I, 34,34); //need to set size only parent := FlowLayout1; fill.color := Talphacolors.Gold; show; end; end; You could change the roundRect to other shapes as needed. the self in TRoundRect.Create(self) puts the object created in the forms list of Controls and/or Components for destruction later
  6. Anders Melander

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    Experts Exchange... the MySpace of QA sites
  7. It appears in my search results from time to time but only annoys me by its paid contents, I've never seen any useful answers in displayed fragments
  8. Der schöne Günther

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    I like how it took them years to realize that expertsexchange.com was generally read as "expert sex change".