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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/22 in Posts

  1. Henry Olive

    Firebird3- Active and InActive ALL Triggers

    Thank you SO SO SO MUCH RVK I created the procedures w/o any problem
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Loss of Datasouce??

    Sometimes it helps to rename the datamodule to avoid a name clash with the internal one. Naming a datamodule dmImages may be OK for a standalone application, but for an IDE plugin that seems not to be wise. I made this experience myself.
  3. David Schwartz

    Move a Function or Procedure to a Unit??

    Actually, I would encourage you to continue. It MUST be pursued! Because this is really the only way to get your mind to "flip" so you see things from an OOP perspective. It took me about 6 months of banging my head against these virtual walls and coding myself into dead-end alleys until one day I looked at the code and something flipped around and suddenly I saw it correctly. You've got to stick with it until that shift happens for you. You don't see it now. Once you do, it's game over for the "old" way of thinking. This is a perfect example to work with. Just keep banging away at it until you wrestle it to the ground, and step back and suddenly see what's required.
  4. David Heffernan

    calculete time in delphi

    No idea why you wouldn't use TStopwatch
  5. KenR

    calculete time in delphi

    Not sure how you are using this but using time rather than now will give you problems if starttime/endtime spans midnight.
  6. David Heffernan

    git and Delphi tooling?

    Whilst I am a fan of TortoiseSVN, I am not a fan of TortoiseGit. Having a tortoise in the name isn't enough.