Well, this is a private research-project about the EU Covid-certificates.
I wanted to know how that stuff works and how the pieces are glued together. After a wild mixture of very interesting and also some nasty hours, I got it working. I also learned about new data formats that were previously unknown to me (hello "cbor").
Many different techniques come together here:
decoding the data from Base45 (yes, forty-five)
decompressing the result using the zlib-classes
downloading external supplementary files using the http-components
hopping from the formats "COSE" to "CBOR" to "JSON"
using OpenSSL to extract and validate the digital signature against the official public keys
All of this is now integrated in a small and fluffy Delphi program.
This client
reads the personal/medical data from the certificate
displays the specific information for
reads the digital signature from the certificate
verifys that signature using the public keys from the official trust-list to detect fraud
is clearly not an official application ready for production use anywhere
Some, but not all code ist from me. The unit "cbor.pas" comes from "https://github.com/mikerabat/DelphiCBOR", the interface to openssl comes from "https://github.com/Arvur/OpenSSL-Delphi".
Just in case you're interested and want to try it:
Download attached zip-archive. It contains the complete Delphi-project as well as the value-sets and trust-list (see #3).
You need to get your hands on the openssl-libraries "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" (not included in the downloads). These libraries must be located in the same directory as the executable. By default "Win32-Debug" is the output-path for this project. If you decide to switch to 64bit, you should provide the matching libraries.
This program reads the trust-list and the so-called value-sets from external json-files. These files can be downloaded using the button "Download supplementary data" (button starts download, gives no feedback, you must restart the program afterwards). The trust-list contains the list of currently valid public-certificates. The value-sets contain the translations from IDs (values) to readable strings. All the json-files must be in the same directory as the executable - and that directory must be writable. The json-files from today are included in the download.
You need - of course - an EU Covid-19 health certificate (vaccinated, tested or recovered). Take any barcode-scanner to translate the barcode into textual representation: You should get a string starting with "HC1:". Paste that code into the windows that opened after pressing "Scan certificate".