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  1. Then please put the DLL projects into the repo with documentation on how to get the missing pieces to produce them ourselves instead of distributing binaries. As for the RTL routines - as mentioned FillChar already has been improved in 11.1 (and hopefully will get another final improvements - some of which are detailed here: https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2021/01/11/building-faster-amd64-memset-routines/). Pos has also been improved (mostly Win64 is affected by this as the new code is basically the purepascal code of what was the asm implementation for Win32). Hopefully for 12, we will get an improved Move I was working on (using SSE2 as that is the supported instruction set RTL can assume). Because Move handles forward/backward and overlap it covers what memcopy and memmove do. That leaves CompareMem which I already looked into in context of faster string comparison, UpperCase and Replace.
  2. The extra bytes are for a hidden pointer to a System.TMonitor instance (not to be confused with Vcl.Forms.TMonitor). Every TObject instance has an optional TMonitor instance associated with it. The actual TMonitor instance is created the 1st time it is accessed, but the parent TObject's InstanceSize includes space for a pointer to the TMonitor instance. AFAIK, yes. Read the TMonitor documentation, and also see What is TMonitor in Delphi System unit good for? You could, yes. You would simply call TMonitor.Enter(obj) and TMonitor.Exit(obj) where needed.
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Exception call stacks on Windows with only a few LOCs

    You're right for sure, that's why I recently implemented MAP file reading and extracting all the info available for any given address. Besides some tricky aspects, that wasn't too hard. I merged that with built-in stack traces and now I have fully detailed traces with module, function name and LOC. Alas, the code requires some other my routines which are not fully ready for publishing yet (translate & add comments etc). But in case someone is interested I could try to switch to built-in routines
  4. Rangga


    Server=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB DriverID=MSSQL ODBCAdvanced=AttachDbFileName=C:\Dir\Dir\TestDB.mdf Database=MyDatabase
  5. pyscripter

    Spell Checker implementation?

    There were many options mentioned in this thread, but there was no mention of the most obvious one at least on Windows: the built-in Windows spellchecker available since Windows 8. There many advantages compared to the options discussed here. It is free. Very easy to use. Minimal code to add to your project. No need to distribute dictionaries. If the user wants a given language dictionary they can get it through Windows language settings. It persists words added, ignored and autocorrected. It detects duplicate words. I got the idea from Ian Boyed's answer in this Stackoverflow question, but I could not find a Delphi translation of the Windows Spellcheck API. So I created my own. It is included in the attached zip file, along with a demo program. SpellCheck.zip