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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/22 in all areas

  1. mvanrijnen

    Using Delphi Rest Components

    i use mitm proxy a lot, not a specific rest proxy, but you can see all the data flowing: mitmproxy - an interactive HTTPS proxy (mostly i use a compiler directives to force proxy use of my software, for debugging purposes, sometimes a confusion on monday mornings then, if you forget to start the proxy 🙂)
  2. Wagner Landgraf

    TRESTClient Security Error 12175 following Windows Update

    The same issue happens with our TMS Sparkle library. It looks like it affected WinHttp API, which is what both Sparkle and Delphi REST library use. I'm afraid this might be even a Microsoft bug, or at least I couldn't find any valuable or updated information that clarifies better what's happening and if and how to properly use the WinHttp library to overcome this issue.
  3. Arnaud Bouchez

    App is faster in IDE

    To be fair, there is a 14,000 time addition on both sides, more often outside of the IDE. Something is interfering with your application, and wait for 14 seconds. Don't guess, use a profiler. You will see where the time is spent. For instance a good one is https://www.delphitools.info/samplingprofiler/