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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/23 in all areas

  1. Angus Robertson

    How to get CER expiring date?

    TX509Base has dozens of methods for loading, saving, and examining certificates, but was never properly documented. However, virtually all these properties and methods are used in the OverbyteIcsPemtool,dpr sample, also the TSslCertTools derivative that allows creation and signing of certificates. Angus
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    You have to use the new TCustomGrid_ActualGridLineWidth() function to account for that.
  3. The behavior you describe happens if Form1's window is set as the owner window (in Win32 API terms, not VCL terms) of Form2's window. A window cannot go behind its owner. You can use GetParent() or GetWindow() to determine a window's owner. In the first example, you can freely switch between Form1 and Form2 only if Form1 is not the owner of Form2. SetWindowPos() DOES NOT change window ownership! That can only be done with CreateWindow/Ex() when creating a new window, or with SetParent() or SetWindowLongPtr() on an existing window. How a TForm determines which owner to use when creating its window is a bit complex (there are other conditions that can affect the following, but this is the basics - see the source code for TCustomForrm.CreateParams() if you want to see the full logic) : If a TForm's PopupMode is pmNone (the default), then: if Application.MainFormOnTaskBar is true, the Application.MainForm window will be the owner. unless there is no MainForm, or Application.MainFormOnTaskBar is false, then the Application window will be the owner. If a TForm's PopupMode is pmAuto, then: the currently active TForm window will be the owner, unless there is no active TForm, or its window is currently minimized or hidden, then the Application.MainForm window will be the owner, unless there is no MainForm, or Application.MainFormOnTaskBar is false, then the Application window will be the owner. If a TForm's PopupMode is pmExplicit, then: the PopupParent window will be the owner, unless there is no PopupParent, then the Application.MainForm window will be the owner, unless there is no MainForm, then the Application window will be the owner.
  4. rgdawson

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Another thing I noticed was that the Vcl StringGrids were improved to now DPI scale the gridlines thickness, so for example at 200%, your gridlines will be two pixels in width. I happened to have an app with several ownerdraw string grids that do custom stuff with column widths that assumed the gridline width was 1 and all that broke. So that might be something to look out for, cuz it was not obvious to me at first.
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    Component installation.

    to compile the DBProDemo.dpr add in your Project->Options->Delphi Compiler->Search Path -->> where is the DCUs files from new package // SBProDemo... unit Main; { ...$I DELPHIAREA.INC } // <------------- interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, SBPro, {$IFDEF COMPILER4_UP} ImgList, {$ENDIF} Gauges, // <------------- ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, System.ImageList, Vcl.ImgList; // <------------- not problem now!!! type TForm1 = class(TForm) StatusBarPro1: TStatusBarPro;
  6. programmerdelphi2k

    Component installation.

    @Prem1 Im using RAD 11.3 Arch, and your files was installed without errors: you need: Create a new Package VCL -> File New-Packages Add your 2 units into this package: SBPro.pas, SBProReg.pas (was not necessary any other units from DelphiArea site) Add the "DESIGNIDE.DCP" in "requires" session: ..\<<RAD-dir>>\LIB\Win32\Release Add the "ToolAPI" path in your project "Search" --> Project->Options->Delphi Compiler->Search Path ( debug / release mode) build and install it!!!
  7. Brandon Staggs

    E2137 Method not used in base class

    A musician friend of mine said of learning to play guitar, "play until your fingers bleed, and then play some more." I think it's good advice for anything you really want to learn to do well in life.
  8. programmerdelphi2k

    Component installation.

    old IDE dont used "namespaces" when using external unit on "USES" clause, like this: current modern IDE, use "namespaces" OR NOT, to reference the unit, like this: both above, have the same resulted by default in new modern IDE, like RAD XE...10.XX this way, it's just to (Embarcadero) "organize" the unit the belong to same scope of usage! for example: Vcl.xxx, Vcl.yyy = belong to VCL framework! this said, try use or remove the "namespaces" before unit name in your "USES" clause! look at the "magic" happens when you dont use the "namespaces" in unit name: