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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/23 in Posts

  1. Dave Nottage

    Google Sign-In

    Is now live! https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/tree/master/Demos/GoogleSignIn
  2. This ^^^ - it's one of the first things I look to do when refactoring code. Units with 15K lines - well that's a code smell - units that long are horrible to work with. As an example, VirtualTrees.pas from Virtual-TreeView used to be 38K lines long. Reviewing the code it was easy to see why it was so long.. because of circular references between classes (often unnecessarily) and the heavy use of friend access to private variables. Refactoring it was not easy and did require some minor breaking changes - but the code is now much more manageable - VirtualTrees.pas is now only 2K lines and code is split into units that make sense.
  3. Does it actually support Delphi, couldn't find any mention of it on their site. Also, if I have to contact a vendor for a price I immediately lose interest... that always smells like their sales people rubbing hands - "ooh lets research the prospect and see how much they can afford to pay". There is a saying.. "If you have to ask, you can't afford it".
  4. How funny ! I'm working 100 meter from your office. Trust you will quickly find someone.
  5. One of the issues is that in a large project with many circular references, that log will show modules appearing again and again. In one large project, I found over 20,000 such references, and a cold build was up to eight minutes. Reducing the circular references by about 25% brought the build time down to about a minute. And the time was stable over several builds in a session, where with 20K+ it had been increasing on successive builds. MMX does produce a report of circularity chains. It is large, and not friendly to humans, but it is easy to parse, and I built a simple tool which delivers in a grid the counts for each of the modules with circular references, and which can compare two reports, which is useful as you continue to work on the project.
  6. Anders Melander

    Trap TFDConnection error on data module create etc?

    Create the TFDConnection in code (e.g. in the DM constructor). Open the connection after the DM has been created. For complex applications, I use a design where the application startup is divided into stages. The stage progression is centrally controlled and broadcast to all interested parties. Something like this: // The following could be in the .dpr file type TRunStageBoot = bsInit..bsReady; TRunStageShutdown = bsShutdown..bsShutdown; begin // Broadcast startup progression for var Stage := Low(TRunStageBoot) to High(TRunStageBoot) do RunStageNotify(Stage); Application.Run; // Broadcast shutdown progression for var Stage := Low(TRunStageShutdown) to High(TRunStageShutdown) do RunStageNotify(Stage); end. ...and the run stage management: type TRunStage = ( bsInit, // Whatever needs to run before the DMs are created. E.g. load config. bsCreateModules, // Create DMs bsConnectDatabase, // Connect to database bsLoadDatabaseSchema, // Validate and update database schema bsLogin, // Perform application login bsInitUI, // Create main UI (e.g. mainform) bsReady, // Show UI bsShutdown // Application shutdown ); IRunStageSubscriber = interface {...GUID...} procedure RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); end; TRunStageDelegate = reference to procedure(Stage: TRunStage); procedure RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); procedure RegisterRunStageHandler(Delegate: TRunStageDelegate); overload; procedure RegisterRunStageHandler(const Subscriber: IRunStageSubscriber); overload; // ...similar for unsubscribe... implementation var // Create on demand in RegisterRunStageHandler. Free in finalization. RunStageSubscribers: TList<IRunStageSubscriber>; RunStageDelegates: TList<TRunStageDelegate>; procedure RegisterRunStageHandler(Delegate: TRunStageDelegate); begin RunStageDelegates.Add(Delegate); end; procedure RegisterRunStageHandler(const Subscriber: IRunStageSubscriber); begin RunStageSubscribers.Add(Subscriber); end; procedure RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); begin for var Subscriber in RunStageSubscribers do Subscriber.RunStageNotify(Stage); for var Delegate in RunStageDelegates do Delegate(Stage); end; ... ...and the DM with the connection would then look something like this: type TDataModuleDatabase = class(TDataModule, IRunStageSubscriber) private FConnection: TFDConnection; private // IRunStageSubscriber procedure RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var DataModuleDatabase: TDataModuleDatabase; implementation constructor TDataModuleDatabase.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FConnection := TFDConnection.Create(Self); // Setup params on connection ... // Register so we will be notified when the connection should be opened RegisterRunStageHandler(Self); end; procedure TDataModuleDatabase.RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); begin case Stage of bsConnectDatabase: FConnection.Open; end; end; procedure RunStageNotify(Stage: TRunStage); begin case Stage of bsCreateModules: DataModuleDatabase := TDataModuleDatabase.Create(Application); end; end; initialization // Register so we will be notified when the DM should be created RegisterRunStageHandler(RunStageNotify); end;
  7. helste7023

    App for Android 11 with Delphi 10.1

    Thanks. I downloaded Delphi 11 and got a trial Serial number from Embarcadero. So I can test it and if it works as expected, I will buy it. There is a discount until end of July, so it will be a little bit cheaper than usual. I also do not distribute the app via Google Play. I install it directly and when I make an update, I load it up to my ftp server and in the app, there is a function to download and install the update.
  8. Serge_G

    Load image from splite blob field

    Hi, The simplest way (without checking errors) procedure loadbitmapfromblob(abitmap : TBitmap; aBlob : TField); var aStream : TMemoryStream; begin aStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; try TBlobField(aBlob).SaveToStream(aStream); // aStream.Position:=0; aBitmap.LoadFromStream(aStream); finally aStream.Free; end; end; usage loadbitmapfromblob(Image1.Bitmap,datamodule2.InsertImg.FieldByName('camarapic')); But can I suggest this ? (FMX program) or even using Livebindings for "no code" procedure loadImagefromblob(aImage: TImage; aBlob: TField); begin var aStream: TMemoryStream; begin if aBlob.IsNull then aImage.Visible := False else begin aStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try TBlobField(aBlob).SaveToStream(aStream); try aImage.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(aStream); aImage.Visible:=true; except aImage.Visible := False; end; finally aStream.Free; end; end; end; end; for VCL use this procedure, not forgetting to declare units Vcl.Imaging.jpeg and Vcl.Imaging.pngimage procedure TFormVCL.loadImage(aImage: Timage; aField: TField); var aStream : TmemoryStream; begin if aField.IsNull then aImage.Visible:=false else begin aStream:=TmemoryStream.Create; try TBlobField(aField).SaveToStream(aStream); aStream.Position:=0; AImage.Picture.LoadFromStream(aStream); aImage.Visible:=true; finally aStream.Free; end; end; end;