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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/23 in Posts

  1. Hi I created a ticket a while back on Quality Portal for some missing Windows SDK functions for Fibers. I created a small test project to illustrate them working in https://github.com/sempare/sempare-delphi-fiber-generator. For those that don't know, fibers essentially are light weight threads, where context switching between fibers is managed by the developer and not by the OS, as is done with threads. It can be complex to get your head around them if you are not familiar with them. For a more detailed discussion, here is a nice article: https://nullprogram.com/blog/2019/03/28/ and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/fibers. I think the reason they were omitted in the Delphi Windows unit is because the tool that did the main conversion of the Windows SDK functions was working with normal C functions, where the missing functions I've included were defined as C macros. From a Delphi perspective, GetFiberData annd GetCurrentFiber are available in the unit https://github.com/sempare/sempare-delphi-fiber-generator/blob/develop/src/Sempare.Win32.Fiber.pas for win32 and win64. In the project, the unit https://github.com/sempare/sempare-delphi-fiber-generator/blob/develop/src/Sempare.FiberGenerator.pas contains a TGenerator<T> which switches between the procedure producing values and the main method that is consuming them. Here is an example of it in use with a fibonacci generator. So what is going on here.... A producer is a procedure that must call Yield(value). So we know that with Fibonacci, f(0) =1, f(1) =1, f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2). Rather than having a recursive routine, the producer method simply Yields the values appropriately. Yes, it looks like the method will never stop. That doesn't matter. Once the method has a value to yield, the context is switched back to the main bit of code that is requesting the value ... that where we have: As mentioned, this is just a simple demo of using fibers. Another project I had that has a bit more complex utilisation of fibers was for async IO on sockets - the principle was to make async calls with call back functions appear synchronous, which is what most people are more comfortable with. Even though most people will never need to use the fiber methods directly as I illustrated above with the TGenerator example, it is quite a powerful tool in the toolbelt.
  2. I've just noticed that there is no mention of the Delphi Coding Boot Camp 2023 on this Forum. Seems strange that no one else is aware of this! Delphi Code Boot Camp 2023
  3. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-42119?filter=18708 Add hint/warning/error setting for use of Abbreviated compiler directives. I know most of you won't care too much of this. When you come across code that has lot of abbreviated compiler directives is very hard to see what and why, -Tee-
  4. To make sure that none Abbreviated versions creep in. If it is your cup of tee. -Tee-
  5. Just curious: do you really have much of these directives extensively used? I only needed overflow checks to do some bit magic, probably range checks for endless arrays that WinAPI likes to use and that's all.
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Issue with TMenuBar and Alt key

    One could measure the time between the events to decide if they should be coupled - but ... lots of extra work. IMO, the Alt should normally be pressed BEFORE the click, and released AFTER the click-release - although you could interpret it as the Alt status only being required/captured at the time of the initial click, and only use the click-release as completion event.