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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/23 in Posts

  1. Arnaud Bouchez

    mORMot 2.1 Released

    Where to start? 1) Use TArray<integer> instead of array of integer (seems incredible - see below) 2) ARC -- happily removed since 10.4 Sidney 3) Language level incompatibilities: RawByteString, shortstring... 4) The LongInt and LongWord Data Type are different on 64-bit POSIX platforms (WTF) 5) too-much-moving target (it is almost impossible to target several Delphi compiler versions at once for mobile targets) 6) lack of ASM inlined blocks (and we have a lot of very good asm in mORMot) 7) LLVM backend issues (floating point performance, inlining inconsistency with Delphi compiler) ... in short: when you compare with FPC e.g. on Linux x64, most latest Delphi design decisions just make no sense About point 1) I am not sure but I got it from official Delphi documentation: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Migrating_Delphi_Code_to_Mobile_from_Desktop This is just a b**s**t idea because at the compiler level "array of" and "TArray<>" are handled the same internally IIRC. It just breaks code with pre-generics compilers we prefer to support. So from now on, it was not possible to envisage Delphi "mobile" compiler compatibility without a lot of work. We do not want to pollute our source code with IFDEF everywhere, just to circumvent Delphi inconsistencies.
  2. Arnaud Bouchez

    mORMot 2.1 Released

    We are pleased to announce the release of mORMot 2.1. The download link is available on https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2/releases/tag/2.1.stable The reference blog article was just published at https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2023/08/24/mORMot-2.1-Released Here is an extract of the release notes: Added (C)LDAP, DNS, (S)NTP clients Command Line Parser Native digest/basic HTTP servers authentication Angelize services/daemons manager TTunnelLocal TCP port forwarding SHA-1/SHA-256 HW opcodes asm 7Zip dll wrapper OpenSSL CSR support PostgreSQL async DB with HTTP async backend (for TFB) LUTI continous integration cross-platform farm Changed Upgraded SQLite3 to 3.42.0 Stabilized Mac x86_64/aarch64 platforms Lots of bug fixes and enhancements Any feedback is welcome! 🙂
  3. If Marco Cantu reads this, I would highly recommend Embarcadero to prioritize a rock solid compatibility to new SDK/API version on alle platforms. New features are nice, bug fixes are very nice, but the uncertainty about support for platform changes can ruin it all. I know it is easier said than done because the marketing people will scream for new features to promote. That is the tradeoff in all software companies. But the whole revenue in our company is based on being available on all platforms, and it requires "nerves of steel" to be so close to the edge of the cliff so often.
  4. Arnaud Bouchez

    mORMot 2.1 Released

    Good question. 😉 The multi-platform of mORMot 2 was deeply enhanced, but mostly about how it is implemented. Most system-specific code is now within mormot.core.os.pas. It now eases a lot the port to other systems. But currently, about Delphi platform supports, we only support Win32/Win64. Other platforms are supported on FPC only. Some new platforms are supported in mORMot 2 like Linux arm32 and aarch64, or Darwin/MacOS aarch64. We test them with our CI farm (using Mac M1 VM, or even a RPi). The reasons are: 1) we don't need it for our own projects 2) we don't own any Delphi licence with Mobile and Linux support 3) FPC cross-platform support is just much better than Delphi (exact same compiler and features everywhere) and don't break anything between versions 4) we certainly would need a lot of IFDEF to support those platforms - which we are very reluctant to do 5) for a FMX app, it is likely to need only some REST client support, which does not require the whole mORMot feature set - and you can generate client code for FMX To be more precise, with mORMot 2, we still need to fix the client code generation (which is not fully debugged), and introduce some cross-platform client units, which are likely to support TMS WebCore instead of SmartMobileStudio.
  5. Rollo62

    mORMot 2.1 Released

    Great stuff, thanks for that, but what keeps me from looking much deeper into this is, the missing platform status for a full multi-platform support. Do you have a list or table, showing which parts can be used under FMX ( iOS, Android, Windows 32/64, Macos, Linux ) and which one only under VCL ( Windows 62/64 ) ? I understand that it isn't made for mobile in the first place, but your library is so overwhelming full of goodies and tools, it would be great to get a clear picture for each single piece.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    Google Play requires Android 13 after 31. august !!!

    That would not happen since they support C++ in Android Studio. And such compiled code is no different than Delphi code.
  7. aehimself

    Direct vs. Indirect access of service by a Client?

    Zeos recently implemented a Proxy driver which does exactly what you describe - it only exposes the proxy and client apps “connect” to this proxy. It supports all protocols which Zeos itself supports. I personally never tried it so I cannot say anything about security and such, but you can give it a try.
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Work with PDF documents

    PDFium lib or an external console tool
  9. David Heffernan

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Expect it to be discontinued at short notice when Google get bored of it