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  1. Please see the blog post and watch the videos! Although the videos show PyScripter, the underlying editor control is SynEdit. Note: Development of SynEdit has moved back to pyscripter/SynEdit: SynEdit is a syntax highlighting edit control, not based on the Windows common controls. (github.com) for the reasons explained here. The multi-caret developments are in the multicaret branch, which will be merged to master after a period of testing. It is quite solid, but if you would like to try and help iron out bugs, that would be much appreciated.
  2. Brian

    problem with ComboBox

    type TComboboxHelper = class helper for TCombobox public procedure DoOnChange; end; implementation { TComboboxHelper } procedure TComboboxHelper.DoOnChange; begin if Assigned(OnChange) then Onchange(Self); end; I would put this to a helper to save me problems when I change the procedure on combobox OnChange. procedure TForm1.Panel1_Click (Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox1.ItemIndex := 1; ComboBox1.DoOnChange; end;
  3. First statement in my FormShow method. // Do not execute again OnShow := nil;
  4. pyscripter

    SynEdit now supports mulit-caret, multi-selection editing

    Main Issues with the Delphi editor: Unicode handling The most serious issue with the Delphi editor IMHO is proper Unicode handling. It has issues with surrogate pairs. combining characters etc. Try for instance to paste ḱṷṓn to the editor. Even wide Unicode characters have wrong spacing (e.g. 爾雅爾雅爾雅爾雅爾雅爾雅). Let alone of course the handling of emojis, bi-directional text etc. Missing standard code editor behaviour Handle triple and quadruple clicks for selection Double click and drag should select whole words Triple click and drag should select line The track changes bar does not play correctly with undo redo Missing many nice-to-have features common in other code editors Multi-caret editing Move/Duplicate lines commands HTML copy/paste to copy code with syntax highlighting to other apps Alpha-blending of selection OLE drag & drop Support for font ligatures etc. SynEdit now has first-class Unicode support based on DirectWrite, multi-caret editing, all other features from the list above and much more. It is also very fast and responsive, but of course there is a lot of scope for performance optimizations.