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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/24 in Posts

  1. pyscripter

    SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

    Flow control symbols have also been added: Technical details.
  2. pyscripter

    SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

    Structural highlighting has also been added. Technical details.
  3. PeterBelow

    C variable from delphi

    The Delphi program folder contains a console program named tdump.exe (and tdump64.exe for 64 bit executables) that you can use to examine the segments of the C DLL. Look for the exports table and check whether there is an entry for this params variable. If there is you can load the DLL from Delphi (LoadLibrary) and retrieve the address of this export via GetProcAddress, like for an exported function. Store the returned address into a variable of a suitably defined pointer type and you can access the value of the variable.
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Double, default value

    Note that there is also a System.SysUtils.TryStrToFloat() function, along with many other TryStrToXXX() functions, you may find them handy.
  5. That is correct. All local variables are uninitialized and might contain complete garbage until the first assignment. Without checking the source, StrToFloat has two options: either throw an exception or to return a value. The line after this assignment is only executed if no exception was thrown, therefore the local variable holds an actual value. Therefore, the variable := 0 is unnecessary in this case.
  6. As local variable it is not initialized, as global it is.
  7. Found it! The code I used could not be more simple... program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; function GetTickCount64Emu: UInt64; const KUSER_BASE_ADDRESS = $7FFE0000; //KUSER_BASE_ADDRESS_KERNEL_MODE =$FFFFF78000000000; //in case it is needed begin Result := (PUInt64(KUSER_BASE_ADDRESS + $320)^ * PCardinal(KUSER_BASE_ADDRESS + $4)^) shr 24; end; begin try WriteLn(GetTickCount64Emu); ReadLn; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. And it resulted 5283539281 with 61 days, 3.5 hours of uptime on a 32-bit Windows Server 2003 R2:
  8. Angus Robertson

    ICS v9.3 Android?

    Another ICS user attempted to add Android support to ICS last year, but it never worked, and the code has now been removed, Currently, ICS has limited support for Linux for tools and utilities only, particularly SSL/TLS certificates, but not TCP/UDP sockets. Those functions would probably also work today on Android with minor changes to look for the OpenSSL in the correct path, you should be able to debug the code yourself, but I'm not testing Android until Linux is fully working. I'm now working on the full Linux implementation, replacing the existing MacOS only support with new multiplatform support, it will be several weeks work. Angus