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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/19 in Posts

  1. Vincent Parrett

    Signing executables

    If you also timestamp the signature, the exe will be signed permanently. If you skip timestamping the signature will no longer be valid once the certificate expires. This blog post covers codesigning & timestamping
  2. For the adventurous of you there is a new download for a MMX Beta version: MMX Beta Setup (current build is 2287) You won't find many new features. The main work was removing unneeded stuff, making use of things not available in older Delphi versions and reorganizing the code. So be prepared to find areas where I accidentally broke something. I would appreciate if you send bugs as email to support@mmx-delphi.de - that way they are automatically added to the bugtracker and are less likely to be forgotten. Feel free to also discuss them here, but even then send that email, so I don't have to duplicate it by hand. Currently there is only one new feature: The MMX Project Options settings have a new check box "Auto Format". If this is checked MMX will execute a format uses clause command every time it adds a new unit to the uses clause. Obviously this only works when the Group and sort uses option is enabled in the Sorting section. Unless something prohibits me to do so, I will announce new builds in this thread.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    10.3.1 has been released

  4. Uwe Raabe

    MMX Beta 14.1 available

    Build 2289 available: fix: missing images in Entity Insight toolbar fix: scaling problem in About screen fix: problem sending email from support link
  5. eivindbakkestuen

    Long standing SOAP bug, please vote

    First, it would be nice if you posted at least the title of the report here, and not just a link... Not a great report; it is unclear exactly what issue is pointed out in the report, and "difficult to reproduce" in steps isn't going to help matters. If you are affected, you could improve chances of a fix by adding something helpful in comments.
  6. Clément

    10.3.1 has been released

    Hi, I installed 10.3.1 without any problems. My machine is old and I still have Delphi XE, Berlin, Tokyo and Rio installed. I mostly use Tokyo, but I'm confident and I'm migrating my projects to Rio Update 1. I use the migration tool to export my settings from 10.3 to a file. (Very important step!!!) Used the feature install ( Tools -> Manage platform is present ). Emb. should change the way to distinguish between one and another. Messing up a delphi installation by using the wrong installer would cost at day or two to reinstall everything. Selected "NO" since I WANT TO KEEP MY REGISTRY settings. Please consider change this too. Instead of YES or NO, please use something like: "Keep your settings" / "New installation". Selected all the features I want installed Waited for an hour Clicked "Start working" and voilá(*) *I was almost ready. Some components where there, but other no. Especially my Library path. This is why you need the migration tool. Import the file and you're done! The 10.3.1 IDE is more stable than 10.3. This week I will migrate more projects and I will be able to compare against 10.2, but it seems 10.3.1 is a LOT better than 10.2 I'm working on a Win64 project (Multithreaded TCP/UDP communication with InterThread messaging). With 10.3 I had 4 or 5 crashes a day. With 10.3.1 NONE ( so far ). With 10.2 I had to use IDE Fix pack (No crashes at all for days). So far I'm not using IDE fix pack in 10.3.1 and I don't feel like I need it.
  7. Uwe Raabe

    10.3.1 has been released

    Perhaps people tend to prefer talking about things that don't work.
  8. I got it working now! First I changed the path setting back to the old value (on my machine it is "c:\Users\Uwe\AppData\Roaming\Parnassus OU\Common"). Then I copied the new DLL into that folder and renamed it to ParnassusCoreEditor_XRio.dll It seems that the DLL loader logic first looks for the "XRio" DLL and has a fallback to the original name. That way the different DLLs can coexist in the same folder and the XRio renaming allows for future version, too.
  9. Reason is, that the path to the core dll is common for all installed releases through a setting in the registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Parnassus OU\Core] "Path"="C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\Experts" This always points to the last installation.
  10. Remy Lebeau


    I'm here!