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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/19 in Posts

  1. I just want to share this new project. https://gitlab.com/CrossMaker/CrossMonkey The goal is to be able create a native desktop, mobile application and web application with the same user interface and code. For now, it's only in proof of concept state but it can be very easily extended. Anyone interested can participate. Renaud
  2. PeterPanettone

    The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached...

    What is the cause of the server malfunction? High temperatures? Why not building data centers in the Arctic? At least we could get funny error messages like: "A polar bear caused a malfunction in our datacenter".
  3. Markus Kinzler

    The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached...

    The original GetIT-Server is down. For 10.3.2 there is a temporary one. For older versions you have to wait until embt solve their technical problems and restore the service.
  4. Arnaud Bouchez

    Delphi Memory Managers?

    Delphi default MM is a cut-down version of FastMM4 on Windows. You may achieve slightly better performance on multi-threading by using FastMM4 with some custom conditionals. IIRC on Apple, Linux or mobile platforms, it uses the clib heap manager. Which is not bad in practice. ScaleMM2 or others - like BrainMM - may be better for multi-threaded apps, but tend to consume much more memory. Under Linux, switching to Intel TBB or JMalloc may give a performance boost, but will also consume much more memory - see my tests with FPC https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/blob/8a55fb3bf2d4cffeb779dd19a8be18e227188f2f/SynFPCCMemAligned.pas#L68 But the main performance enhancement would probably be by changing your algorithms... Mainly avoiding heap allocations... See http://blog.synopse.info/post/2018/11/12/EKON-22-Slides-and-Code
  5. If it's other than in the project folder, you need to set the Source path in the Debugger section of the Project Options:
  6. Christen Blom-Dahl

    VCL component issue

    You must include a class attribute to specify which platforms the component is going to be available: type ... [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64 or pidOSX32 or pidiOSSimulator or pidiOSDevice32 or pidiOSDevice64 or pidAndroid)] TVCDProgress = class(TCustomControl) ... end;
  7. PeterBelow

    Component Compatibility 10.3.2 vs. 10.3.1?

    Generally the minor releases of Delphi (e.g. 10.3.1 10.3.2) are binary compatible, which means there are no changes to the interface part of run-time library or frame work units, so dcus and packages build for one release can be used with other. The same applies to the open tools API, so components you bought for 10.3.1 should work in 10.3.2, even if you cannot recompile them since you don't have the source. This only applies if said components play by the rules, of course. If they rely on undocumented features or dig around in the IDE's innards all bets are off.
  8. For the mentioned Raize Components I can confirm that. GetIt just places the files in a weird location, but you can do what you describe after that and work with the library as you wish. That is exactly how I update my own Raize Components repository since the acquisition. After some cleanup of the installed design packages and library folders inside the IDE everything is as consistent as before. Of course I would prefer having a public repo for these components, but it is quite possible to work in a professional way even with GetIt. BTW, you can't buy via GetIt - at least not yet.