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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/19 in Posts

  1. Markus Kinzler

    The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached...

    Seems they totally lost control of the situation. The remaining skeleton crew is hopelessly streched with the challenges. Products must be delivered with reduced extent but are full of bugs. Features are pushed or are dropped. I see no real progress.
  2. Markus Kinzler

    The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached...

    The original GetIT-Server should be back. I just tested it in 10.2.3 and 10.3.2 (with temporary and standard ServiceUrl), works all.
  3. rvk

    TWebBrowser + dynamic JS question

    You might want to dial down the sarcasme. I'm trying to help you here and with that attitude I'm feeling less and less inclined to do so. With my example I retrieved your search result and got this (this is a snippet just to show you the content is there). <div class="I6vAHd h5RoYd ads-creative">Dr. Lazer is a <b>Baltimore Dentist</b> Dedicated To Quality <b>Dental</b> Care. Financing Available. Patient Focused <b>Dentistry</b>. Top <b>Baltimore Dentists</b>. Advanced Training. Services: Cosmetic <b>dentistry</b>, General <b>dentistry</b>, Porcelain veneers, Teeth whitening, <b>Dental</b> implants, Cosmetic dentures, <b>Dental</b> crowns.</div><ul class="OkkX2d"><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/our-office/ed-lazer-dds/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAHoECA8QBA" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABABGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0RkT0b2u8xR9l7_LEQw9VUouKjzQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Meet Dr. Ed Lazer</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/for-patients/special-offers/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAXoECA8QBQ" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABACGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_2gU3L1cLsoIxMZDy60AJIwH1-G4w&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Special Offers</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/smile-gallery/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAnoECA8QBg" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABADGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0Eq9nb4XnF90RRE1Ik35kT7kFBQQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Smile Gallery</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/request-appointment/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoA3oECA8QBw" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAEGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_2N4qM3fV1hZgFsH22ko3zEIjVzFQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Schedule Appointment</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/contact/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoBHoECA8QCA" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAFGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0sMvnrhd-h49qKlc3LKos0K2h67w&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Contact Us</a></li></ul></li><li class="ads-ad" data-hveid="CBAQAA" data-bg="1"><div class="ad_cclk"><a id="n1s0p2c0" style="display: none;" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAGGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_38aJbvxP_v7qoqtk0s9Byp6f8NQw&rct=j&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQ0Qx6BAgQEAE&adurl="></a><a class="V0MxL r-ieStqovnU5rk" id="vn1s0p2c0" onmousedown="return google.arwt(this)" ontouchstart="return google.arwt(this)" href="https://www.aspendental.com/dentist/md/dundalk/1401-merritt-blvd" jsl="$t t-r1glFWqNI5A;$x 0;"><h3 class="sA5rQ">Official Aspen Dental | Affordable dentistry‎</h3><br><div class="ads-visurl"> You see that text: Dr. Lazer is a <b>Baltimore Dentist</b> Dedicated To Quality <b>Dental</b> Care. Financing Available. Is that what you are after? (this is from the outerHTML) Yes, it's riddled with javascript and lots of tags. But it's valid HTML with the content provided on screen of the user. If it's not, please provide some text that you did expect. BTW, You do need to read out outerHTML in WebBrowser1DocumentComplete() because the javascript needs time to run. But I assumed you already knew this.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    MMX 15 (Beta) Available

    I have just uploaded a new beta https://www.mmx-delphi.de/downloads/download-info/mmx-beta-build/ bugs fixed: there were still problems with AutoToggleObjectInspector message instead of exception on convert with when no with is available sometimes Explorer behaved strange with docking OT: I was a bit overwhelmed when I realized that there were over 16.000 downloads for MMX - quite impressive for a beta version.
  5. Sherlock

    The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached...

    I wonder what folks will do that just paid money for their brand new Delphi and could not get it installed for almost a month. If that happened to me I would have wanted my money back, pronto. The good folks at Idera should consider renaming the thing to "NotGettinIt" O'Neill
  6. Wagner Landgraf

    Book: Introducing Delphi ORM using TMS Aurelius

    TOC and book preview here: https://books.google.com.br/books/about/Introducing_Delphi_ORM.html?id=LuWmDwAAQBAJ&amp;source=kp_book_description&amp;redir_esc=y
  7. A.M. Hoornweg

    Bad build a mystery

    Just an idea how you can quickly find out which of your units is broken: Units normally get initialized in the same sequence in which they are entered in the *.dpr file. So... my idea is to create a new empty "diagnostic" unit. Let it use only the "windows" unit and nothing else. For the rest, keep the interface section empty. In the implementation section of this unit, write an initialization that simply shows a "hello world" messagebox. This initialization will only execute if none of the units that initialized before it caused the program to terminate. So... Just start playing with the position of this unit in the USES clause of the DPR file. For starters, place it somewhere in the middle. Compile, and see if the messagebox appears. If yes, move the unit halfway further down in the USES clause. If not, move it halfway further up. See, we're doing a binary search here... Repeat this process until you have found the exact position where the messagebox no longer appears. It shouldn't take more than a dozen attempts. The offending unit will be the one right before the diagnostic unit. It's either that unit itself, or some unit which it depends on and which isn't in the uses clause.