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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/19 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    How to use Open Street Maps with Delphi - cross platform?

    Amen! https://killedbygoogle.com/
  2. You may need a license to use Google Maps, while Open Street Map is free, you can even host your own map server. Also, I would rather trust in OSM than Google that they keep their service available and the APIs mostly unchanged. (Just remember why this forum exists. G+ anybody?)
  3. jon_bondy

    Memo scrolling to the bottom ... sometimes

    Stranger and stranger. I have disabled all timers (which I use for scrolling) and the problems still persist. I noticed that the files first appear in the correct position, scrolled to the top, and then scroll down (instantly) after about 1/2 second. It is as if a timer went off after 1/2 second, but there are no timers to do the scrolling. I've also noticed that some files scroll to the end while others just scroll 1/2 of a line height. Yeah. Right. This is reproducible, as if the TMemo is displaying different files differently based on content or file name. Clearly, I cannot have written such complex code by accident and then not noticed it while debugging recently. And, it was working just fine a month ago. Of course, by now, with all of my flailing, the code is not precisely as it was a month ago. I have attached a ZIP with some files. I hope I have provided the right files for someone to compile my program: if not, please ask for what you need. I have also included two TXT files that you should put in your Documents folder. Those files should be visible if you tap on the Open button. If I open the Jolene file here, it scrolls to the end; if I open the Honky Tonk Blues file here, it scrolls down 1/2 of a line. When I tap on Prev or Next, the files open without scrolling. The program was written as a quick hack. The "buttons" just look like words across the top of the screen. JLBPrompter.zip
  4. Vandrovnik

    SFTP client

    Today I found and just briefly tested this: https://github.com/superflexible/TGPuttyLib
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Memo scrolling to the bottom ... sometimes

    ah no - dang - I missed that it was Android. Moved the post again.
  6. Alexander Elagin

    How to get Linux installed?

    Yes, PAServer is needed to pull the necessary tools and libs from the target Linux machine. After this stage it is needed for deployment/debugging (but the Linux debugging in Delphi is a joke, simple WriteLn's in code can do better...) The best documentation I've seen so far is here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Linux_Application_Development and here: https://chapmanworld.com/2016/12/29/configure-delphi-and-redhat-or-ubuntu-for-linux-development/
  7. glenkleidon

    Arpy - new web framework

    Hello All. I would like to introduce you to the Arpy Web Framework Arpy is a web framework that follows the Request-Response Pipeline architecture. It is Delphi's answer to AspNetCore for .NET and ExpressJS for Node. The workflows are identical to these frameworks. It is the modern, secure way to make web APIs and sites using Delphi. Arpy uses Delphi Project templates to make fully self contained projects that will compile and self deploy out of the box. You can install the Arpy trial from GetIt Package manager OR go here Arpy Developer Trial Repository and then click Download Links. Please email Arpy@galkam.com.au if the DCUs you need for your version of Delphi arent available in the Repo.