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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/22 in Posts

  1. I am a systems administrator and with every upgrade there is always risk and someone's system becomes unusable. To avoid some grief here is a pre-check list of the basics from a system level to help put together a back out plan. 1. Full backup via system image As always, data loss is unacceptable and not being able to roll back is unacceptable. Take a system image. 2. Source files - Branch or Backup I plan to branch my projects for the first few days in 11.2 so I have a rollback. Anything that is not in source control should obviously get a snapshot via zip or backup software. 3. Registry export reg export HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0 Pre_11_2_BkUp.reg Always have a backup, and read the release notes / known issues before you upgrade. No need for good luck with this upgrade, you have a back-out plan !
  2. David Champion

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    I can imagine a version of an IDE aimed at hobbyists that includes the Delphi ARM Linux compiler, Python 4 Delphi, FMX only, local database support for <=$99. I hope that EMB get more creative in going after markets that are there without the fear of reducing existing sales. In and of itself the ARM Linux compiler is really important perhaps not attracting a high unit price but creating value for the rest of the product range. In addition making it possible to think about low priced and targeted SKUs.
  3. angusj

    Profiling Clipper2

    Anders said in another thread ... Hi Anders. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Yes, I have profiled my Clipper library's Delphi code (and not infrequently), but until now I haven't profiled into Delphi's Runtime Library. And I see your point re TList.Get, if you're alluding to its relatively expensive range checking? However, I can't see an easy hack (eg by overriding Get, since it isn't virtual). But I could write a wrapper Get function (using TList's public List property) and bypass the default TList.items property altogether. Is this what you're suggesting, or would you suggest I do something else? And are you also seeing other "low hanging fruit" that would improve performance? Edit: I've replaced all implicit calls to TList.Get with the following function and as a consequence have seen quite a substantial improvement in performance (and Delphi now slightly out-performs C#). function UnsafeGet(List: TList; Index: Integer): Pointer; inline; begin // caution: no bounds checking Result := List.List[Index]; end;
  4. guarasemini

    Android API31 Rad 11.1

    just a feedback. after 3 days goole play store accepted my app. this delay is unusual, but work. now waiting RAD 11.2 to fix lots of problens. thx for all help and advices
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    Lazarus can't handle my generics.
  6. emileverh

    How to force update to label during a loop

    Never use Application.ProcessMessages ! Sooner or later you get other troubles