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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/22 in Posts

  1. A very simple Delphi application (with TRESTClient, TRESTResponse and TRESTRequest) configured for a GET operation to our server fails after the most recent Windows 10 update (KB5018410 rolled out on 10 October 2022). It reports 'Error sending data: (12175) A security error occurred'. Rolling back the update works again. The URL that I am testing is https://yams.ked.co.za/version Insomnia, Firefox, Chrome, Edge and other clients have no problems with the polling. Any advice would be very much appreciated
  2. Lajos Juhász

    Write image to database

    If everything fails read the manual: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.TFDDataSet.CreateBlobStream
  3. haentschman

    Write image to database

    Hi...😎 try this...😉 if not Qry.FieldByName('Picture').IsNull then begin Stream := TMemoryStream(Qry.CreateBlobStream(Qry.FieldByName('Picture'), bmRead)); try Contact.Picture := TMemoryStream.Create; Contact.Picture.LoadFromStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; before...Contact.Picture = nil 😉
  4. salvadordf

    TEdgeBrowser : "Unsafe attempt to load URL"

    It's not easy to use Chromium command line switches with TEdgeBrowser. Consider using WebView4Delphi instead and set GlobalWebView2Loader.AllowFileAccessFromFiles to true. You can also use the VirtualHostBrowser demo as a template for your application. It maps a local directory to a custom domain to load files from the hard drive.
  5. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Fixed in new version 1.0.3.B13. It just released.
  6. rgdawson

    TEdgeBrowser - Any successful deployments and updates?

    I deploy WebView2 in an MS Store App. Prior, I bundled Chromium Embedded Framework. Webview2 is a wonderful thing. I originally used the built-in TEdgeBrowser, but I switched to Webview4Delphi as it is far more complete. I highly recommend WebView4Delphi (Free and Open Source, and lots of examples). Installation is rarely required these days, but my app will detect if not installed and install it on the fly using the small downloadable bootstrap installer which I embed in my app along with the WebView2Loader.dll. Automatic installation was tricky at first since, at the time, admin privileges were needed and a Store App does not have that and users may not be able to elevate. But then Microsoft made it so that the installer will allow Per-User install and then magically convert it to a Per-System install on the next system update. But, as I say, it is hard to find a system that does not already have Webview/Edge installed these days. TEdgeBrowser will suffice unless you are doing advanced stuff. I am doing some advanced stuff like injecting javascript, sending data from the web page to my app, intercepting keystrokes, security stuff, reading headers and such and TEdgeBrowser was missing those interfaces and I had to write them myself which was a pain. WebView4Delphi is far more complete. In switching from CEF to WebView my app package shrunk from about 200MB to about 15MB. And I can rely on the OS to keep everything up to date for me. With about 40,000 installs of my app, I have had zero problems.
  7. David Heffernan

    Change of coding style/structure..

    This blows my mind. The try/finally is to protect the resource. So you must enter the try immediately after the resource has been acquired. I suggest that you read Dalija's book on memory management.
  8. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0

    Thanks for your comments, will still adjust it accordingly.
  9. Der schöne Günther

    TEdgeBrowser - Any successful deployments and updates?

    We started doing that even before it was considered "stable" and never had a problem. To be honest, I'm only using it for displaying PDFs and some small live value display, nothing too fancy. I think we just make sure that the WebView2Runtime is installed, and that's it.
  10. David Heffernan

    32bit vs 64bit

    It's true that the 64 bit Windows debugger is a disaster zone. But I just debug with the 32 bit debugger. You can have a project with both 32 and 64 bit targets. You can then ship just the 64 bit if you prefer. But you can still use the 32 bit debugger during development, because it's the one that is actually useful.