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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/23 in all areas

  1. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Embarcadero Toaster - Notification Window Caption in Win10

    Hi For those how haven't seen it, the solution is to call PlatformInitialize on your TNotificationCenter component some times before sending any notification like in FormCreate event. Windows will have time to see the shortcut file linked to the registry key and the notification and so not display the registry key name but the EXE file name instead. This problem is just a simple delay in Windows between creating files and seeing them in other API... If you have previous Delphi releases, without PlatformInitialize method, you can create a shortcut to your program in the user startup menu program folder. It should work.
  2. Anders Melander

    Skia component and IDE

  3. programmerdelphi2k

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    great Melander... better than pointing to infinity, is showing where it probably starts.  that way we can fix the path at any time! (better than being left in doubt by inconclusive answers)
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    maybe some like this would better: IsTrue := ((a + b)=1) and (c = d); if IsTrue then ...
  5. Anders Melander

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    Actually, IME, the PNG sub-format is the least troublesome; It just has a PNG file instead of the regular BMP pixel data. No, it's the non-alpha formats, and in particular, the 1 bpp format, that is the worst. If the task here is to convert a PNG to an ICO I would just create an ICO header with a single 32bpp PNG sub-image and then simply use the PNG as-is for the sub-image. Something like this (not tested): const RES_ICON = 1; RES_CURSOR = 2; type TIconDirectoryHeader = packed record Reserved: Word; // Reserved; must be zero. ResType: Word; // Specifies the resource type. This member must // have one of the following values: // RES_ICON Icon resource type. // RES_CURSOR Cursor resource type. ResCount: Word; // Specifies the number of icon or cursor // components in the resource group. end; TIconDirectoryEntry = packed record Width: Byte; Height: Byte; ColorCount: Byte; Reserved: Byte; ResInfo: packed record case byte of RES_ICON: ( IconPlanes: Word; IconBitCount: Word); RES_CURSOR: ( CursorHotspotX: Word; CursorHotspotY: Word); end; BytesInRes: DWORD; ImageOffset: DWORD; end; TColorDepth = 1..32; // Bits per pixel. Not bits per plane. function ColorDepthToColors(ColorDepth: TColorDepth): cardinal; begin Result := 1; while (ColorDepth > 0) do begin Result := Result shl 1; dec(ColorDepth); end; end; // PngStream: A stream containing the PNG // IcoStream: The outout stream // AWidth: Width of the PNG // AHeight: Height of the PNG // AColorDepth: Color depth of the PNG procedure SavePngStreamToIcoStream(PngStream, IcoStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColorDepth: TColorDepth = 32); begin var IconDirectoryHeader: TIconDirectoryHeader := Default(TIconDirectoryHeader); var IconDirectoryEntry: TIconDirectoryEntry := Default(TIconDirectoryEntry); IconDirectoryHeader.ResType := RES_ICON; IconDirectoryHeader.ResCount := 1; IcoStream.Write(IconDirectoryHeader, SizeOf(IconDirectoryHeader)); // Note : 256x256 icon sets Width&Height to 0 (according to docs) or to 255 (according to .NET) IconDirectoryEntry.Width := AWidth and $FF; IconDirectoryEntry.Height := AHeight and $FF; var BitCount := 0; var ColorCount := 0; case AColorDepth of 1, 4: ColorCount := ColorDepthToColors(AColorDepth); else BitCount := AColorDepth; end; IconDirectoryEntry.BytesInRes := PngStream.Size; IconDirectoryEntry.ImageOffset := SizeOf(IconDirectoryHeader) + SizeOf(IconDirectoryEntry); IconDirectoryEntry.ResInfo.IconPlanes := 1; IconDirectoryEntry.ResInfo.IconBitCount := BitCount; IconDirectoryEntry.ColorCount := ColorCount; IcoStream.Write(IconDirectoryEntry, SizeOf(IconDirectoryEntry)); IcoStream.CopyFrom(PngStream, 0); end;
  6. Now I finally have an excuse to live a long and healthy life 🙂
  7. TheOnlyOne

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    Nope, nope, nope. The robot was a really cool thing we did in the previous company (high-tech labs, clean rooms, fast microcontrollers, CAD, big security all over the place, great salary, high-standards Delphi code). Not in this current company. In this (current) company, we wouldn't even be able to write the software that puts oil in robot's spare wheel 🙂