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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/23 in Posts

  1. Brandon Staggs

    How many people use Delphi?

    My impression of VSCode as an editor is that it is light-years ahead of Delphi as an editor. Of course, Delphi does more for me because it integrates with the form designer. However, if an Electron app can smoothly lint multiple interpretated languages for me without slowdown or just mysteriously stopping the linting, as LSP in Delphi often does, one wonders what the advantages to all this native code is in the first place. And I do know the advantages -- it just burns a bit that I can't really experience them in the very IDE I am using to build native applications.
  2. tinyBigGAMES


    Integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT API seamlessly from Delphi. Features Easily access the GPT API from a single class Supports both GPT3 and GPT4 models API key can be read from ChatGPTApiKey environment variable if defined Automatically sanitizes input to minimize errors Ability to define proxy settings Adjust personality response with a precision range of 0-1, from precise to creative Stream responses just like in the ChatGPT web interface Usage Get your API Key: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys Define environment variable ChatGPTApiKey and assigned your API key. You may have to reboot your machine for it to take effect. // Basic example showing how to query ChatGPT uses AskChatGPT; var LChat: TAskChatGPT; begin LChat := TAskChatGPT.Create; try // set chat params LChat.Model := GPT3; // use the GPT3 model, or GPT4 for the GPT4 model LChat.Creative := 1; // 0-1, 0 being most percise and 1 being most creative // ask question LChat.Question := 'What is Delphi?' // print question PrintLn('Q: %s', [LChat.Question]); // process and print response if LChat.Process then PrintLn('A: %s', [LChat.Response]); finally LChat.Free; end; end; Media Download https://github.com/tinyBigGAMES/AskChatGPT
  3. When comparing the costs of GitKraken (4.95$/month/user) vs a one-time purchase of $49.99 I would say that either GitKraken is a rip-off or has some impressive feature set and offers way more than what a graphical git client has to offer.
  4. Your handcrafted routine isn't *that* slow, just turn on compiler-optimization. As for resampling, I had started to port my parallel bitmap-resampler to fmx, but then I thought, hey, these guys can use DirectDraw, there won't be a demand. Now, seeing how poor the quality is for (supposedly) bilinear rescaling, I have continued working on it. A first version is usable on Windows only for the time being. I just have to add some demos, and I'll probably upload it later today to https://github.com/rmesch/Parallel-Bitmap-Resampler Just in case you might be interested.
  5. A couple of years ago I worked with a team moving from SVN to Git. They followed my advice to use Fork right from the beginning. We had two courses based on Fork to get some guide through the workflow. Both, the money spent for Fork as well as the courses was worth it. Since then SVN is history. Fun fact: The trainer giving the courses switched his own team to Fork as well after that.
  6. I think moving from SVN to Git had quite a steep learning curve, but only because I was accustomed to using SVN and mostly for single-developer projects. Once I finally "got" Git I never want to go back, even for projects nobody but me works with, but ESPECIALLY on a project that has more than one concurrent developer. SVN is slow and restrictive in comparison.
  7. Geoffrey Smith

    WebSockets in Use

    Hi, I know that the WebSockets implementation is brand new and still in the daily branch, so I thought I would give you some feedback that it is working for me. I am using it in a project I am going to be presenting at the ADUG Symposium next week. I am using it to connect to a couple of services that do real-time voice recognition. My talk is actually on AI and ChatGPT, but your WebSockets have allowed me to get the voice recognition functionality working! So thanks. If you want to see my talk and how to get my code follow the link below. https://www.adug.org.au/symposium/2023-symposium-melbourne-and-online/
  8. Angus Robertson

    WebSockets in Use

    Thanks, always useful to know new ICS components have been tested in wider environments than my own servers. The final release is planned for May, once one more new sample is finished. Angus